The New Moon, also known as the New Thunder Moon in July, is a powerful time for new beginnings, transformation, and harnessing the intense energy of the summer season. The Thunder Moon gets its name from the frequent thunderstorms that occur during this time, symbolizing a period of dynamic energyContinue Reading

Archetypes are universal symbols and patterns that reside in the collective unconscious, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. First introduced by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, the concept of archetypes provides a framework for understanding the deeper layers of the human psyche. In this blog post, we willContinue Reading

Sink Into Buck Moon Symbolism: Embracing Growth, Strength, and Renewal. The Buck Moon, named for the time when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur, is a powerful symbol of growth, strength, and renewal. This full moon typically appears in JulyContinue Reading