Some Like It Hot, And That’s  Why I Thrive in the Summer Sizzle! Confessions of a Sun Worshipper: Hello, fellow heat enthusiasts and sun worshippers! While you won’t catch me in a sweltering hot yoga studio, give me a sunny day with temperatures soaring above 80 degrees, and I’m inContinue Reading

 Embracing Simplicity and Non-Attachment in Yoga and Life is The Essence of Aparigraha. In the ancient philosophy of yoga, Aparigraha is one of the five Yamas, or ethical principles, outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Aparigraha translates to “non-attachment” or “non-greed” and encourages practitioners to embrace simplicity, contentment, andContinue Reading

Stress Awareness Month is observed every April in various countries, including the United States, with the primary goal of raising awareness about the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. It was established in 1992 by the Health Resource Network (HRN), a non-profit health education organization. Stress Awareness MonthContinue Reading

Step Into Wellness by walking your way to holistic health. Walking is a versatile form of exercise that can be adapted to different environments, each offering its own set of benefits. Walking on pavement and walking on the beach present distinct advantages, influenced by the terrain’s nature. Understanding these canContinue Reading