The Siren psyche archetype is associated with qualities of expression, charisma, and authenticity, particularly when speaking their truth through the throat chakra. Here are some key qualities often attributed to the Siren archetype:Continue Reading

“How do I YOGA, off the mat?” you ask. Well, it’s simple really.  You live your life, because that’s the journey. And THE JOURNEY is in everything that we do. Only, you do it very mindfully and full of intention. In a nutshell, you get really clear on what you believe and want, and then youContinue Reading

Vulnerability is a part of being human. Let’s pause to examine that. As we progress through life, self-study leads us face to face with sensitivities created by past sources of hurt. Often, we define vulnerability as an area of weakness. Although, these weaknesses do not mean we are weak. We’reContinue Reading

The #1 reason to create your own philosophy and live it is that living anything else is strangely dissatisfying.  Maybe you’ve been living the American dream or traveling the path that your parents, spouse, or social circle deem ‘appropriate’. If you’re walking through your journey every day with a feelingContinue Reading