Learning is a lifelong process, and we all have different approaches. However, one commonality across all successful learners is their ability to engage with information in different ways and repeat the learning process until they deeply understand the topic. This holistic and repetitive approach is called “spaced repetition.” It isContinue Reading

Through the practice of yoga, we embark on a journey to the center of self, uncovering the hidden depths of our being and discovering our true nature. Yoga is not just about physical postures or flexibility, it’s a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration. Just like Jules Verne’s “Journey to theContinue Reading

Life is the ultimate yoga class. We may not have fancy yoga mats or Instagram-worthy yoga poses, but every day presents an opportunity to practice and learn about ourselves. Think about it, every moment of our lives is a chance to observe our thoughts, emotions, and reactions. It’s like aContinue Reading

It isn’t just teenagers that need to, “check your screen time”. It’s all of us. To be fair, the amount of time people spend online can vary greatly. Depending on a number of factors, such as age, occupation, and location, your habits are your own. However, studies have shown thatContinue Reading