Life is a journey made richer through connections with community partners. Here, I want to highlight mine to share with you. These people, organizations, and associations share something in common. They are all living by their belief sets. In some way, each is leading a mission that helps make this world a better place. Whether you’re browsing for a gift or looking for a cause, check them out. Share the love that builds when we all choose to live our lives, mindfully, and on purpose.

We can all use tools, resources, causes, and swag from time to time. As we grow and evolve, so does our tribe. Take pride in partnering with organizations throughout the world. Shine light on those committed to serving humanity. In whatever ways you can, use your strenghths to bring value to others. Experience the positive energy that flows from strong communities. Learn more about our current community partners below. Explore the work they do.


Yoga Teacher Collaboration Opportunities with Light, Love, and Levity!

We’re dedicated to building a vibrant community that celebrates the diverse voices and experiences within the yoga world. We believe in creating meaningful connections and providing platforms for yoga teachers to share their wisdom, stories, and unique perspectives. Join us in our mission to inspire and empower our community both online and in-person by representing your brand, classes, and services.

Why Collaborate with Us?


Visibility and Reach

 Gain exposure to our engaged and growing audience passionate about yoga, wellness, and mindful living. Collaborating with us offers a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise and expand your reach across our platforms.

Diverse Opportunities

 Whether you’re interested in sharing your journey, tips for maintaining balance, or your favorite yoga destinations, we have a place for you. Contribute as a Guest Blogger in any of our categories, including Yoga Practice, Wellness Insights, or even Yogi Travel.

Community and Growth

Become part of a supportive network of yoga enthusiasts, practitioners, and teachers. Our collaboration opportunities are designed to foster community, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and grow together.

Collaboration Opportunities

  • Guest Blogging
    •  Share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with our audience. We welcome submissions across a range of topics related to yoga and wellness. Whether you specialize in yoga philosophy, asana practice, or holistic health, your contribution can make a significant impact.
  • Parenting in Yoga Pants
    •  Have stories or tips about balancing parenting with your yoga practice? We’re looking for feature posts that provide relatable, humorous, and insightful perspectives on navigating the joys and challenges of parenting while maintaining a yoga lifestyle.
  • Yogi Travel
    •  Share your adventures and recommendations for yoga-friendly destinations. From serene retreats to dynamic workshops, help our community discover new places to practice and explore.

Guidelines for Guest Blog Submissions

To ensure consistency and quality for our readers, please follow these guidelines for your submissions:

  • Thumbnail Photo
    •  Include a professional thumbnail photo of yourself to accompany your post.
  • Original Photos
    •  Provide at least one original, high-quality photo relevant to your feature post to enhance engagement.
  • Original Content
    •  All submissions must be original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere. We’re looking for fresh perspectives and insightful narratives that resonate with our audience.
  • Social Links
    •  Include links to all your brand’s social media profiles and website, allowing our community to connect with you directly and learn more about your offerings.
  • Submission Process
    •  Please submit your article idea or outline for review before sending the complete post. This ensures alignment with our content strategy and increases the likelihood of your submission being accepted.

Ready to Collaborate?

If you’re a yoga teacher passionate about sharing your journey, insights, and expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Light, Love, and Levity’s platform offers a unique space to connect, inspire, and grow. Reach out to us with your proposal, and let’s make a positive impact together.

By engaging with us through these collaboration opportunities, you’re not just expanding your visibility; you’re contributing to a collective journey of wellness, mindfulness, and growth. We can’t wait to collaborate with you and bring your unique voice to our community.

Send Submission Directly to: Meg@LightLoveAndLevity Subject: COLLAB SUBMISSION

Unlock New Horizons for Your Yoga Journey: Join Us Today!

Community Partners