The Power of Thought Starts From Manifesting Wellness from Within. Harnessing the Power of Your Mind Is the ONLY Place to start your wellness journey. Wellness is not merely the absence of illness; it is a state of holistic well-being encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health. But did you knowContinue Reading

Somatic Shifts Begin With Awareness. A yoga practice becomes somatic when it deeply involves the internal experience of the body, emphasizing bodily sensations, awareness, and internal movements rather than focusing solely on external forms and alignments. Somatic yoga is grounded in the understanding of somatics, which is the study ofContinue Reading

 It’s Not About Love, It’s About Living, and that’s the only reason that I ever started working out. Today, I’m opening up about a personal truth: I don’t love working out. There, I said it! While many can’t wait to hit the gym, my enthusiasm for routine exercise has always been,Continue Reading

Some Like It Hot, And That’s  Why I Thrive in the Summer Sizzle! Confessions of a Sun Worshipper: Hello, fellow heat enthusiasts and sun worshippers! While you won’t catch me in a sweltering hot yoga studio, give me a sunny day with temperatures soaring above 80 degrees, and I’m inContinue Reading

Honoring the Divine Feminine Goes Beyond the Bonds of Earthly Relationships. May, with its blossoming landscapes and nurturing warmth, serves as a perfect backdrop to honor the divine feminine. This powerful concept transcends the mere association with gender; it’s a universal energy present in all of us, embodying creation, intuition,Continue Reading