Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot, And That’s  Why I Thrive in the Summer Sizzle! Confessions of a Sun Worshipper: Hello, fellow heat enthusiasts and sun worshippers! While you won’t catch me in a sweltering hot yoga studio, give me a sunny day with temperatures soaring above 80 degrees, and I’m in paradise. As we inch closer to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, I find myself energized by the vibrant possibilities. Let me take you through why this scorching season is my slice of heaven and how it fuels my journey on the intimate householder path.

The Allure of the Heat

  1. Vitamin D Delights: There’s something about that warm sun kissing your skin. Not only does it boost your mood with a healthy dose of Vitamin D, but it also brings out the best in my spirit! Thus, encouraging me to live each moment more fully.
  2. Outdoor Adventures: Whether it’s hiking through verdant trails or practicing yoga in the park, the warm weather is my ultimate companion for connecting with nature and my own inner peace.

Embracing the Energy of Early Summer

The weeks leading up to the summer solstice are filled with a special kind of magic. The world seems alive with a palpable energy that I just can’t get enough of:

  1. Spiritual Awakening: This time of year is ripe with omens and opportunities. Every breeze and every sunset feels like a nod from the universe. Each inviting me to explore deeper truths and connect more intimately with the life’s rhythmic pulse.
  2. Community Connections: It’s not just about personal growth. The warmth brings people together, fostering community connections that thrive in the glow of shared experiences. From neighborhood barbecues to outdoor yoga classes, the heat nurtures our communal soul.

Tips for Making the Most of the Heat

  1. Stay Hydrated: Love the heat like I do? Remember to drink plenty of water. Keeping hydrated not only keeps you safe but also ensures that you enjoy every hot minute to the fullest.
  2. Protect Your Skin: A sun lover’s best friend should be their sunscreen. Protect your skin to ensure that the only thing peeling is the fruit in your picnic basket.
  3. Embrace the Early Mornings or Late Evenings: If the midday sun is too much, the early mornings and late evenings offer cooler, yet still warm, perfect moments for enjoying the outdoors.

 Why I Worship the Warmth

As we approach the summer solstice, I’m reminded why I cherish these hot days so much. It’s not just the sun and the clear blue skies; it’s the feeling of being alive and connected—both to myself and to the vibrant world around me. On this intimate householder path, each sun-drenched day is a precious opportunity to make the most of every moment, soaking up the energy, the omens, and the endless opportunities.

So, if you need me, I’ll be outside, basking in the glory of the summer’s embrace, living life to the fullest and loving every hot moment of it. Join me, and let’s turn up the heat on this incredible journey!

Dear Readers,

Thank you for joining me on this journey into Some Like It Hot. In the end, I hope you found today’s insights valuable and inspiring.

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For Now, May your journey be gentle, your spirit be bright, and your world be filled with boundless light, love, and levity.




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