Smarter Health & Household Consumption is EASY_PEASY with A Yogic Approach to Sustainable Living. Incorporating smarter health and household consumption practices into your daily life is not only beneficial for your well-being but also aligns with the principles of yoga. As householders, we have the responsibility to make mindful choicesContinue Reading

The Ashtanga Hridaya: Guiding Our Yogic Practices on the Householder’s Path This Summer. As we welcome the warmth and vibrancy of July, it’s essential to find guidance that aligns with the energy and intentions of our yogic journey. This month, we turn to the timeless wisdom of the Ashtanga HridayaContinue Reading

Roar into Wellness With The Benefits and Practice of Tiger Pose (Vyaghrasana). If you’re looking to add a dynamic and energizing pose to your yoga routine, look no further than Tiger Pose (Vyaghrasana). This powerful asana not only strengthens and stretches your body but also brings a sense of vitalityContinue Reading