5 Great Quotes to Share In Class

It’s always helpful to have an inspiring message to share on the mat; here are 5 of my favorite quotes to incorporate into sessions. Whether you’re offering these thoughts to a room full of yogi’s or simply taking them into a private meditation with you, open yourself up to hear the messages with a beginner’s mind. In other words, be here, now, receiving with an open heart and mind. Sometimes, a single message can mean a million different things, depending on the person, the environment, and the day. Just for today, tap into self and observe your current perceptions.

5 Simple Wisdom Offerings

Regardless if we’re setting up our mat at home or in the studio, a little inspiration is always handy. When it comes to grounding, a great thought can initiate pivotal change during meditation. In my opinion, it’s always nice to have your most beloved go-to’s teed up and ready at a moment’s notice. It isn’t necessary, but it can prompt pivotal shifts and change. Your journal is a great place to start documenting the wisdom sayings that move you.  For now, let’s take a look at 5 of my faves for continual motivation and inspiration both on and off the mat.


Nischala Joy Devi, The Healing Path of yoga:


The calmness of the body then leads to calmness of the mind. When the mind calms, it sees thoughts like separate frames on a filmstrip.  Seeing the thoughts individually allows our reaction time to lengthen, giving us that needed time to make choices consciously rather than to react automatically.


Richard Miller:


“This is the path of separation. But when we move in the world of the senses, yet keep our senses in harmony, free from attachment to attraction or aversion, we rest in the wisdom heart of our True Natural, the true equanimity of Being, in which all sorrow and suffering cease.”


Paulo Coelho, Manuscript Found in Accra :


“In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat; there is only movement.”


Rolf Gates & Katrine Kennison, Meditations from the Mat:


“The belief that it is possible to meet the world without healing ourselves first is what the Yoga Sutras call a lack of true knowledge. The truth is, when we are happy we spread happiness, and when we are in pain we spread suffering.”


 Aadil Palkhivala, Fire of Love:


“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming.”

Reflection & Integration

Now, don’t you feel at least a little uplifted after taking those in? Understand, the information that we take in is a part of our daily diet and constitution. Making a little space to seek out and share quotes and passages that fill you up and steer you nearer where it is that you desire to go is a precious offering. It doesn’t matter where the wisdom comes from, if it resonates with you, share it and inspire others. When you get a chance, try crafting your own little list of the 5 great quotes that spark you up and bring you to life. Then, you’ll have them handy for moments where it just makes sense to share. If you’re interested in browsing a few more of mine, check out my 10 Essential Quotes for Conscious Women. At the end of the day, the brilliance any stimulus ignites within you is reflective only of the glorious light that you carry within. Above all, stay centered in inspiration, shine bright, and be well. 



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