6 Women That Will Inspire You

Who are the women that will inspire you? For me, these 6 class acts deliver pivotal transformation every single time. And really, shouldn’t we all have some go-to women to tap into when the weather is ripe for some good old fashion motivation? The world is full of really great messages and content from people of all genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds, but if there is one thing that I believe women do exceptionally well, it’s related to other women in a deep and profound way. Not every teacher is going to speak your language in a way that resonates with your soul. Everyone has a platform these days and as much as I love it for creative expression’s sake; it also creates a lot of noise. Filtering through all the ‘meh’ and ‘not my thing’ takes time. But I can tell you this: If you love yoga, natural health, intuition, and self-discovery; these are women that are well worth getting familiar with. When we find something that speaks to us, we serve ourselves best by welcoming it into our lives. In my opinion, these ladies have offerings that are unparalleled.

My Favorite Inspiring Females

I encourage you to welcome their offerings into your life. While they come from a variety of backgrounds and focus on a wide range of specialties, these 6 women are brimming with inspiring messages that are well worth the share. Any time that I’m in the market for a little self-care pick-me-up, a deeper dive into the psyche, or on a search for inner nourishment, these ladies aim to please. Their messages seem to hit home in radiating layers, across the board. Seek the women that will inspire you.

Byron Katie


Her personal story is incredible as a stand-alone, but “The Work” will have you seeing your own life experience in a brand new way.

Marisa Peer


I was reading a book at some point that mentioned one of her lectures, and although the name and message of that book quickly faded away, my greatest takeaway was gaining familiarity with this fantastic woman! One visit to YouTube and I become a dedicated follower. Marisa Peer delivers motivational speeches that leave you invigorated for days.

Esther Perel


I’ve been fangirling over Esther Perel for a good long while now. Years ago, my husband suggested her podcast series to me, and we like, never have similar podcast tastes, but he SWORE, “Babe, you will adore her” and he was 100% correct about that. She’s a pro at communication & looking into the deeper issues at hand.

Carolyn Elliot


The newest addition to my go-to feminine inspiration arsenal is Carolyn Elliot. Where she’s been my whole adult life, I have no idea, but THANK GOD I found her on Kindle while I was surfing around for really good, meaty books on shadow work. Shadow work is a huge benefit to bringing balance into your life. When we ignore the shadow, we neglect and deny an entire half of ourselves.

Jude Downes


I have a lovely friend who was a big fan of Jude Downes’ Facebook page who kept recommending it. I finally clicked over and checked it out and I fell in love with her too. Judy is an incredibly expressive ‘wise woman’…..

Caroline Myss


Mrs. Myss is a Hay House staple and she has content available there, on Gaia and sprinkled all over social media, & her own personal website. However, she first popped up on my radar when I purchased a deck of her Archetype Cards as a daily tool to use in my morning meditations. It was a total win!

Quick Inspirational Recap

At the end of the day, we all realize that the messages that resonate with us do so because they are reflecting some little piece of ourselves back at us. I truly hope that you can take some time to acquaint yourself with some of these ladies and the excellent work and messages that they are putting out into the world. Embrace the women that will inspire you most. When you’re fulfilled, it’s easier to express yourself and to quit self-sabotaging.

Let An Inspirational Sisterhood lift you up.

As always, take what you need and leave the rest.

Lean in.

Get inspired.



Dear Readers,

Thank you for joining me on this journey of 6 Women That Will Inspire You. I hope you found today’s insights valuable and inspiring.

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May your journey be gentle, your spirit be bright, and your world be filled with boundless light, love, and levity.




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You Have a Right To Self-Care


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