7 Chakras And You

Check out the Hindu system for exploring the 7 chakras and you. This is the #1 most used energetic chakra system in yoga. Healing yourself through chakra work can be pivotal and enlightening. Conceptually, every chakra is a spinning wheel of energy located near, in, or surrounding a specific area of your body. Each chakra plays an important role in our bodies energetic make-up; the unseen space in which we carry thoughts, emotions, and sometimes past traumas with us on the day to day.  This system is what is called “subtle energy”. Systemically, each chakra is related to a particular developmental stage in our lives. However changes can occur on any level, at any time. Working with chakras is a fun, easy and enlightening way to get started observing the various layers of self, and inviting movement and stillness there as needed. When it comes to chakra analysis, they present in 3 primary forms: Deficient, Balanced, or Excessive. 

Why Explore Your Chakras?

In mental health, we bring attention to things like life roles, identity, birth order, family dynamics, internal archetypes, etc.. However, we often dance around the more intangible, ethereal, un-scientifically proven things like the soul and the psyche. In yoga, we bring awareness to the subtle energy. This is done as a means of not just speaking about the energetic body, but really getting cozy with it. Sometimes, it’s all the unseen things that most need a thorough cleaning in order to move forward. Through the lens of the chakras, you can target, observe, and migrate energy and issues into alignment, in a variety of ways.

The Root chakra

The space that defines, “I am”. It’s where you ground into your physical manifestation in this life and hone the ability to either accept or reject nourishment. When balanced, this is a space of safety, security and the platform from which your experience your physical identity through sensory perception.

The Sacral chakra

The area that emanates with “I feel”. Identify where emotions and movement are found through our connection or disconnection with our innate emotional identity.

The Solar Plexus

The chakra from which, “I do” where we draw energy and define our personal conception of power through identification with the ego. In balance, this chakra steers our activity level, and self-esteem.

The Heart Chakra

The center of “I love”. It is our social identity, our ability to embody self love, and our capacity to connect in relationships with acceptance.

The Throat Chakra

The voice from which “I speak”. Herein lives our creative identity that comes to life through sound and resonance with the world around us.

The Third Eye Chakra

This chakra says “I see” and provides insight into our archetypical identifications. From this space we observe patterns, both seen and unseen, from the minds eye and intuition.

The Crown Chakra

Vibrates that “I understand”. Rooted in universal identity, this is the subtle energy of innate transcendental union with a higher power.

How Do I Get My Chakras Into Alignment?

Work with your chakras in a variety of ways. Use yoga, meditation, Reiki, diet, etc.. Your chakras can provide profound insight into your current state of being. Altogether, identifying excessive and deficient areas that require balancing can expand your personal growth ten-fold. Doing so, does require time, patience, and dedication. If you’re new to chakras and want to start exploring the amazing ways in which this subtle body system has a huge impact on your daily quality of life, check out my Energetic Affirmations for an easy intro into what your personal chakra work may look like. For now, have fun investigating the 7 Chakras and You!



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