Affirmative Self-Talk Disrupts Negative Energy

Affirmative self-talk disrupts negative energy because it gets in its way and cuts off the negativity’s ability to take root in the mind-body. From the psychology to the biology of it; thoughts are things, and many of them begin with sound and resonance. The messages that surround us influence us, but by starting a daily affirmation practice, we can circumvent any negativity, false-beliefs, and self-defeating energy that tries to sneak in. Personally, I believe in this power of words and use it to my advantage; I practice resonating with what invites positive change to radiate through my life. When I tell myself, “I am able” it becomes easier to resonate with my true nature, ability, and worth. Basically, words like these banish any thoughts of doubt about my talents or abilities. It works, and it can work for you too. Why don’t you give it a try?


  1. Disrupt Negativity with a little Self-Talk Session.

Breathe. Consider each challenge that you currently face, right NOW (leave everything else out wherever it belongs). Self-check:

  • What Am I thinking?
  • Is it true?
  • Is it helpful or harmful?
  • Can I improve upon it by being kinder to myself?
  • What Is the Truth that I can choose to think and affirm, right now?

As you become aware of what’s going through your mind, affirm that you have a specific skill set to counteract it. No joke, this exercise keeps me connected to my deep-rooted strengths because the truth is, our brains easily fall into negativity by default. Positive affirmations are like our very own superhero skill to retrain the brain to the positive. Self-belief grows stronger when we take the time to talk to ourselves honestly about our abilities. Remember, affirmative self-talk disrupts negativity, diffuses it, and builds our resilience better and better the more that we practice and try.


2. Maintain Positive Self-Reinforcement 

If you want to use affirmative self-talk to disrupt negative energy, practice using it regularly. We don’t want to slip back to that automatic default, remember? Whenever I feel doubt coming on, I take a few minutes to retreat and meditate. Those moments renew my determination because instead of getting all spun up in chaos & emotion,  I focus on my potential. That’s where I can ground, center, and serve myself best.  When I remind myself of the force that I am, doubt quickly subsides, making way for me to meet the tasks at hand with a calm, clear, positive mind and outlook.


3. Don’t take other’s Negative Opinions to Heart

I avoid taking others’ negative opinions of me, my abilities, and pretty much everything else to heart. When we give away too much consideration to external perspectives, it can cause negativity to fester. This is the part where practice really helps diffuse negativity on the regular, cause let’s face it, there seem to be a lot more Negative Nelly’s out and about. In a world full of Negative Nelly’s, you can choose to be a Susie Sunshine. It doesn’t mean that you won’t still encounter negativity, but it does allow you to bounce back and stay upbeat a whole lot quicker.


4. Celebrate Your Talents and Innate Gifts.

Giving those talents the authority to shine makes you a winner. Become well-practiced and giving yourself credit and appreciating your own worth. Today, positive energy thrives in my life when I take the time that it takes to pat myself on the shoulder. I am a firm believer in embracing my true strengths and I am committed to using affirmative self-talk to drive me to achieve greatness. Together, we can supercharge you too; Let your affirmative self-talk disrupt any negative energy trying to come your way.

  1. What are some positive, uplifting things I can tell myself to feel courageous?
  2. How do I maintain a positive mindset after being discouraged by others?
  3. How often do I turn to others for encouragement when I feel doubtful?


Go-To Affirmations Resources:

Energetic Affirmations

100 Positive Affirmations

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