Are You Working ON or IN Your Business?

Take a deep breath and identify if you are working on or in your yoga business right now…if the answer is “both”, know that you can’t do both at the exact same time. Being aware of the difference invites clarity to your thoughts, actions, and conscious successes. We need to break our behaviors down into simple parts so that we can build them back up robustly. Relax and let your highest self remember who you are right now, what you’re doing, and how to effortlessly proceed. 

The student shows up with a beginner’s mind. 

The teacher holds space for sharing yogic wisdom.

The entrepreneur runs a business; a container for specific functions and goals. 

Who do you need to be in this moment?


Why You Need To Know The Answer And The difference

When you end up owning a yoga business, yoga itself is often still a personal lifestyle, holds at least some element of charitable expression, and depends on you to run it like the entity that it builds into. There is time for everything, but everything happens in each role, at a different time. Always return to balance.

When You’re Working In Your Business

As yoga teachers, we are the doers, the people tinkering with our most beloved philosophies and putting them out into the community for sharing. When you’re working in your business, you are addressing the technical work.  Class plans, meditations, maybe even designing workshop offerings to market at local studios. We show up to teach and usually receive a paycheck.

When You’re Working On Your Business

You’re not teaching yoga. When you’re working ON your business; you’re living your principles through business operations. Managing, organizing, structuring, marketing, etc. Having a yoga business is like navigating a marriage between the modern world and Ancient lifestyle philosophy. You’re merging different philosophies to breed balance, abundance, and actualization. We are still dedicated to living our yoga thru practice, but even with great faith that the universe will provide, we still have to put food on the dinner table. So, how do we take these philosophies and also manage the entrepreneurial side of a spiritually driven business??

Merging Practice and Business

  1. First, we have to develop a deep understanding of both, and get clear on where we stand.
  2. We must let go of the dual nature in which we see things, and accept that yoga and business can, and do, coexist without impeding upon personal values in practice.
  3. With beginner’s eyes, we must see that there is a lot we know, and a whole lot that we have to continue learning. “Acceptance is the only way forward”.
  4. We have to take the next right action.
  5. Routinely, we must be aware, intentional, and as balanced as possible.


Key Take Aways

In each moment, you need to be clear on whether you are working on or in your yoga business. Like with anything, there are always going to be aspects that we like and dislike. Sometimes, we have a natural inclination and enthusiasm towards one skill set of work versus the other. It’s all okay. Still, we must intentionally choose to not fall into analysis paralysis. In short, we can take it to the mat and meditate, but we must follow thru with action. In case no one has told you today; you can be a yogi, a teacher, a manager, and an entrepreneur; just not always at the exact same times. Just like we encourage students to take the time that it takes, we too have to be willing to take the time, make space, and follow thru with putting the next right steps into action.

The student shows up to be present. 

The teacher shows up to teach.

The entrepreneur makes sure the business runs smoothly.

Take it one thing at a time.

Seek Clarity.



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