If you want to maintain your energetic health, clear the residue of the day, EVERY day. Each morning, we rise and meet life and self where they’re at. We often head off into the day with high hopes, full schedules, and minds set of making the daylight hours our b*tch…Unfortunately,Continue Reading

You are allowed to walk every path that calls to you. Each of us has permission to be received, replaced, accepted or rejected; by ourselves or others, as we see fit. What we choose to allow is what paints the landscapes within and around us. In the journey of life,Continue Reading

“Create Your Life”, YES,  but let’s not forget, “without designing your own prison”. Few people intend to craft their own prison…but it happens all the time. We heard it, “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it”.  We rolled our eyes and kept walking headlong intoContinue Reading

Teaching your first yoga class can feel really overwhelming…but it’s all going to be okay; it really is. I PROMISE! The mountain in your head is a molehill on the mat; Every. Single. Time. We were all nervous, and then it went away. When you’ve taken the time to practice,Continue Reading