Basic Yoga

Basic yoga is more than exercise. It is a system for personal connection and development. Movement is essential, but it’s not just about the body. You will stretch and work out with awareness on your mind-body connection. However, there’s more. A lot more, if you’re interested in delving a bit deeper. The core teachings of yoga can help you understand how to get your personal practice started. To get the most out of your practice, widen your understanding. Improve your total wellness in a variety of simple ways.

Wisdom Teachings

With over 5,0000 years to develop, it is a system of connection. Styles and traditions vary in many ways. However, all teachings are rooted in the fundamental wisdom of the Vedas. These teachings provide a universal structure to practice. The applications of yoga are far from basic. Learn to use this timeless system to expand yourself in new ways. Steeped in wisdom, it is a very personal journey. As you explore your own personal practice, that description will grow, change, and evolve.

The 8 Limbs of Yoga

  1. Yamas External Ethics
  2. Niyamas Internal Ethics
  3. Asana Physical poses
  4. Pranayama Breathwork
  5. Pratyahara Withdrawal of the Senses
  6. Dharana Concentration
  7. Dhyana Connection
  8. Samadhi  Unification

Explore In Sequence

The 8 limb path is the “Tree of Yoga” in action. Most people begin with poses. However, this is the order of a correct yogic path. First, get to know the ethics of yoga. The Yamas and Niyamas are the founding principles of how you connect with self, and the world at large. Next comes as asana practice. Each pose has a story and a purpose to teach you. Over time, you will integrate breath into your practice. Today, it is a great time to grow, or start, your practice. As you explore, it’s essential to understand that there is no right or wrong form of yoga. Find what resonates with you and go from there. Reflect daily and see what you find.


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