Basic Yoga Poses

Basic yoga poses are common shapes that you will encounter in class. First, understand that some these “basic poses” are often more popular than basic by any means. Next, know that they’re great visuals in demonstrating what you’ll be learning. These poses simply provide inspiration for what your practice may eventually build you up to. As you browse them, get excited, not overwhelmed. Beginner yoga starts off slow, meeting you where you’re at, as it should. There’s no need to be disappointed if you’re not immediately contorting into Lord of the Dance pose. Maybe it takes a month, year, or lifetime, if ever. And that’s okay. Not all poses are accessible in all bodies, and the shapes may also look slightly different. The goal is to take it slow, honoring and nurturing your body as you begin to observe and strengthen the mind-body connection.

12 common Asana poses

In yoga, the physical act of making shapes with the body is called “Asana” and it is the most widely recognized practice of yoga. Remember, calling something a ‘basic yoga pose’ doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily easy to achieve or appropriate to try right off the bat. Depending on what type of yoga you’re practicing, the names and strategies to get into each pose may be different. Asana is great but as yogis, we recognize that these types of exercises are only 1 of the 8 limbs of yogic practice. It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with various pose shapes and names to gain an idea of what you’ll encounter. That way, when you come across them in a studio or on the mat, your mind will spark with recognition. The goal isn’t to memorize them but to just become aware of some asana possibilities. Now, take a look and see what intrigues you.

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