Sometimes the brain just need a break, and a colorful path to center is a fun way to destress and get your mind right. Have you ever had so much on your mind that it feels like you’re stuck in a perpetual prison of your own thoughts? If so, simply color your wayContinue Reading

Complimentary Alternative Medicines are HOT and these are 7 CAMs Worth Considering today. When we think about “self-care” we’re often constricted by what we perceive to be both available to us, and of verifiable use. Let’s face it, those massages and bubble baths can only do so much. Often, whatContinue Reading

A good indicator of balanced living is when your life philosophy is evident in your actions. This isn’t to say that you are 100% perfect all the time, but that your authenticity shines through in all that you do. You see, the way that we act, interact, and possibly reactContinue Reading