Indoor, outdoor, hobby, or profession, gardening is therapeutic in a variety of ways. If you’re interested in the idea of garden therapy and how it can be beneficial in your spiritual journey, this article is for you. One of my favorite quotes sums it up best: “Working in the garden isContinue Reading

Why not try reconditioning yourself with these 12 SMART tips for breaking bad habits? Remember, our conditioned behaviors are changeable. Reconditioning begins when we set an intention to change.  If you’re in recovery, you’ve heard of the 12 steps, and they’re fantastic for you and your family alike. But anotherContinue Reading

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, maybe it’s time to get garden fit. If you already have a garden or are considering adding one, you probably already love spending time outdoors. Gardeners enjoy the tasks of tending plants. Thus, if you’ve been spending time a little too sedentary,Continue Reading

When you’re ready to load up your readers and your bookshelf, keep these 101 recommended reads in mind. This is my current top list of everything from poetry to workbooks to keep your inner explorations going strong. Have you ever read a book that just stuck with you? Made youContinue Reading

Explore deeper into the world within with these 13 spiritual reads. Is it time for an internal adventure? Are you seeking to edge further up the staircase of your interior castle? If so, this list is for you. On a spectrum between meaty and precise content, each selection offers somethingContinue Reading