Celebrating International Day of Friendship: A Yogic Perspective for the Householder Path. Celebrated annually on July 30th, is a beautiful reminder of the importance of fostering and nurturing friendships. For those on the Householder Path in yoga, this day provides a unique opportunity to deepen connections, promote harmony, and spreadContinue Reading

Demystifying Common Meditation Practices just requires a little context to go with the content you see. Have you ever noticed how certain words or themes can really turn you on or off to certain ideas or practices altogether? This reaction is common, and it’s important to remember that many concepts inContinue Reading

World UFO Day is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life. Celebrated on July 2nd, it serves as a platform for enthusiasts, researchers, and individuals interested in UFO phenomena to come together, share information, and discuss their beliefs and experiences. It mayContinue Reading

Prepping for Hurricane Season Without Trading Your Environmental Impact is TOTALLY DO-ABLE. First, reject the herd mentality of the masses and sink into preparations with mindful ease. As hurricane season approaches, it’s crucial to prepare adequately to ensure the safety and well-being of your family. However, preparation doesn’t have to comeContinue Reading

Smarter Health & Household Consumption is EASY_PEASY with A Yogic Approach to Sustainable Living. Incorporating smarter health and household consumption practices into your daily life is not only beneficial for your well-being but also aligns with the principles of yoga. As householders, we have the responsibility to make mindful choicesContinue Reading