The purpose of pursuing deeper reflection is to take something that you do regularly, and re- fine it. You already have the skills. Together, we’re just going to make a few tweaks. Mindfulness and meditation are the building blocks that steer your brain and focus your atten- tion. They are aContinue Reading

Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath. Mindfully, yogi’s manipulate the breath as a means of harnessing life-force. Without breathing, we cease to live. As the 4th limb of yoga, breathwork is seen as a fundamental stand-alone practice. The energy and vitality of life come directly from our qualityContinue Reading

Nearly every situation that you encounter in life can be improved or destroyed if you aren’t keeping proper perspective. The attitude with which you greet life, greets you back. It’s more than our viewpoint; it’s the lens through which we interpret everything that happens. When everything is awesome, or ifContinue Reading

First things first, set checkpoints  to fine-tune your goal driven mind. Goals are great, but only if your mind’s operating system is working. What’s the standard train of thought in the world today? While you may think that there are many, and sure, lots of topics and standpoints are available,Continue Reading

Learn to be mindful in all things. Slow down and breathe. Execute mindfulness in all of your actions, and witness how your world quickly changes. At the core of staying grounded, mindfulness is the basis of all other experience. It doesn’t take long to develop, and with practice, it can transformContinue Reading