Choosing a Yoga Style

The first thing to know about choosing a yoga style is that there are a great many to choose from!!! A lot of people get turned off to yoga practices after an enthusiastic friend drags them along to a class that they hate. It’s unfortunate how frequently this happens. The truth is, yoga comes in a lot of different forms. If you don’t make a match on your first try, don’t let that detour you. Pro Tip: Always research class descriptions and be in the know before you go.

It can be intimidating for the beginner to figure out where to start. There are so many styles to choose from. Most beginners want to get a good workout and experience some success in being able to complete the class. Many are concerned about accidentally signing up for an advanced class and being unable to perform the various moves. No need to worry. In fact, most classes require no previous experience or skill at all. So, try to drop into one of those first.

Choosing A Yoga Style In a Sea of Offerings

Yoga really does have something to offer everyone! There are classes suitable for those that have been spending too much time on the couch and other classes for those that just competed on the Olympic gymnastics team. For example, there are chair classes, gentle classes, HOT yoga, classes for strength and many, many varieties in between.

The following descriptions will help you in choosing a Yoga style that meets your needs:

Hatha Yoga

Combines body postures, meditation, and breathing. This is especially great for beginners, as it tends to be slower-paced and focuses on the basics. Nearly all other modern styles of yoga were developed from Hatha. Within Hatha yoga there are many class offerings, usually labeled specifically for a smaller niche market: Ageless, Pregnancy, etc.

Bikram Yoga

Great if you like to be hot! Let me emphasize, HOT! Lol.This is one of the most popular class styles around today, however, if you’ve never been before and you don’t typically like being hot, like sauna level steamy, then please, choose a different offering. Bikram is performed in a room at 105 degrees and 40% humidity. There are 2 breathing exercises and 26 poses that are performed in every class. The heat can help with flexibility, and the sweat is said to help flush toxins from the body. *Suitable for beginners, but if you’re pregnant or have heart problems, you should consult your doctor first and notify the teacher onsite of your special conditions.


Less commonly known, but this style is similar to Hatha, and relies on numerous props, such as chairs and blocks to get into the ideal yoga positions.These classes are usually suitable for beginners and advance students alike.

Yin Yoga

Practic relies heavily on meditation and stillness. This is a ‘cold’ practice, meaning that the room is cool, but also that practice will not raise your body temperature. Postures focus on the connective tissues, are very passive, and need to be held for a longer period of time. Most classes will hold postures 3-5 minutes at a time. Please research your local studios and their class schedules before you plunk down on your mat and get blindsided by what’s being presented to you. Try out different studios and teachers until you find the right fit. This is YOUR practice, so it’s imperative that you find what suits you best.


“Flow yoga” is quite popular now. In these classes, there is a lot of movement. There is an emphasis on flowing smoothly from position to position, so holds are less intense than in other forms of practice. Your breathing is synchronized with the movements and the total number of poses that you take in a class will likely be greater than those presented in other traditions.

Aerial Yoga

This practice consists of very athletic poses that require great strength and balance. Honestly, aerial yoga is a whole lot of fun and worth trying at least once. This style of yoga requires additional equipment that is safely suspended from the studio’s ceiling, so if that’s what you’re in the market for, look around; not all studios are equipped for this.


Similar to Vinyasa, except there are six series of poses that are performed rapidly. The synchronization of the breath is emphasized, but due to the faster pace, beginners are advised to start elsewhere. Since you’re just now choosing a yoga style, this class is best saved for much, much later.

Rule #1: Have FUN Choosing a Yoga Style that works for You!

Yoga can be a great way to get your mind and body in top condition. It can be used to support and nourish the mind-body in many different ways. Have fun exploring around. Think about it, Restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra, goat yoga, beach yoga, and paddleboard yoga are just the tip of the iceberg! Start slowly and be informed to experience success. Being successful will help to ensure that you want to go back again and again. The classes listed here are just a FEW of what is available. To get started, add a yoga class to your life and reap the benefits of this great form of exercise as you expand your horizons, your body, and your mind. Creating your own practice is a process that rocks! Test, Reflect, and Go with what feels good!

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