Choosing an Oracle Deck

Choosing an oracle deck is an adventure in possibilities. There are many ways to approach the use of oracle decks in your personal spiritual practices. The thing is, there are SO many to choose from and the spectrum of topics covered and contained are vast!  From decks designed to help you work with your Chakras, to goddess oracle messages, there are so many decks that it takes some discernment to find the ones that work for you and the areas of your journey that you are currently focusing on. First things first, not all card decks are Tarot. At first glance, many people shy away from the use of tarot cards and that’s perfectly fine. There are decks designed as synchronistically chosen meditations, asana poses, or straight-up positive messages for the day, and there are decks that hone in on more transcendental concepts like the Akashic Records or spirit messages, etc. IMO, if you’re just starting out and want to play with decks as a medium to expand your meditation practices, find an oracle set that speaks to you.

Choosing A Deck

I’ve been using both oracle, energy, and tarot decks for many years and in many applications. That said, I have acquired quite a selection and while all of them are beautifully crafted, finding the right deck for you at the right time is a process. So, with that in mind, let’s quickly cover some basics on choosing your deck, or maybe just facilitating some space for ‘your’ deck to choose you.

  1. Meditate on what you would like to use an oracle deck for.
  2. Write down some areas of exploration that have been calling for your attention.
  3. Find a selection of decks that seem like they fit what you’re looking for. Read about them, and if possible, spend some time looking at the artistic graphics of them.
  4. Commit to buying yourself one deck….Two maximum. Here’s the thing: it’s easy to get excited about all the deck options, but the truth is, getting acquainted with a deck takes time, attention, and energy that will be divided if you’re trying to connect with more than one deck at a time.* My rule of thumb is to use each deck for at least a month, all by itself. By then, I usually know without a doubt whether or not that deck is for me. When it’s not, and that happens, I usually sage the deck and find it a new home.

What’s NEXT?

*Once you’ve connected with a deck, or ten, it’s easy to use them in tandem. However, take the time that it takes, in the beginning, to establish whether or not any particular deck is a good match for you and your personal aims.  Many people use oracles for journaling, meditation, guiding your energetic practice on the mat, and more. While I could go in-depth about all the different uses and applications of oracles, tarot, and lesson cards here, let’s save that for another day and dive right into the decks I’ve come to love most over the year (disclaimer: Colette Baron-Reid speaks my soul language and you will see several of here offerings listed):

13 Oracle Decks

  1.  Mystical Shaman Oracle – Alberto Villoldo
  2. The Sacred Traveler -Denise Lynn
  3. The Universe Has Your Back – Gabrielle Bernstein
  4. The 7 Energies – Colette Baron Reid
  5. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms -Colette Baron Reid
  6. The Enchanted Map – Colette Baron Reid
  7. Gateway – Denise Linn
  8. The Divine Energy Oracle – Sonia Choquette
  9. The Divine Feminine – Meggan Watterson
  10. Keepers of the Light – Kyle Gray 
  11. Soul Coaching – Denise Linn
  12. Goddess Power – Colette Baron Reid
  13. The Crystal Spirits – Colette Baron Reid

While I hold many other options quite near and dear to my heart, I feel content that this is a great launching point for those of you just poking around with some interest. PRO TIP: I know it can be tempting to purchase the knockoff decks that are available all over the internet…but please, remember that the authors and artists that have poured their beautiful energies into these creations deserve that work to be honored. You too, deserved to honor your highest self by investing in the beautiful magic that is sure to unfold within you while using them. Shop responsibly, connect with a new medium and let me know what you discover!


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