
What we create is our most intimate and truthful means of expression. Creation, of anything, is a dance of the soul that moves outwardly into reality. A life, a relationship, an attitude, or a painting, ALL that we create unfolds from within. Everything that is currently in our lives, we build, foster, and keep for some reason. Get to know your intentions. When we learn to cultivate that, to work with it, our reality starts to better reflect each of our truths with brilliance. Create what is innate within you, with acceptance.

The Natural Bend

Reality is a flowing perception that is subjective by nature. The nature of reality is not fixed or immoveable. What we call “reality” is innately pliable. So make changes at will. Truth, life, and reality are blends of thoughts, opinions, and values of groups of people that grow and change over time. Fundamentally, reality is a combination of the unity of all things that exist within. This is what interacts with all which exists outside of it. Your truth is specific to you. Your relationship with your perceptions of reality is what creates the tone for this long-term masterpiece called life. To create our fullest potential, we need to understand the synergy of all systems and relationships at our disposal. Are we living out the actual reality of our self and our own perceptions, or have we become extensions of another’s design?

Flow with Your Mind

In life, our brains naturally look for patterns to act off of. Without restraint, this becomes part of our “self will run riot.” When we unconsciously gravitate to the same old patterns time, and again, we stop creating and simply exist. Let go of this and discover something better. The comfort of the familiar is not worth forgoing your truth. We have to learn new ways to think so that all our “up-work” doesn’t just come full circle, but spirals us up into new ways of being. In the mind’s eye, many things get set on automatic. Over time, we find ways to justify, fool, and otherwise cling to that for which we’ve settled. Lazy is the mind that rests in the habitual rather than evolving up mindfully. The only acceptance that you need to start is self-acceptance. From self comes truth, and truth attracts all the things right for you.

Create From Your Truths

 Sometimes we create in touch with our own flow, and sometimes we simply get swept up in repetitive tides. As such, our creative flow gets lost in the ripples of external truths and perceptions. To correct our course, we must first restore our duty to self, with acceptance. In the past, we only knew what we knew, and that was okay. Everything that we’ve created before put us here, into the now. Now, we know more, and if we keep misplacing the idea that our primary duty is to others, we unwittingly allow external opinions, judgments, and other social frameworks to veer us farther and farther off course indefinitely. Don’t dishonor yourself like that. Instead, learn to steer what you create and build with all that resonates out from you honestly.

Connect with Creation

It is from connecting to that deeply truthful, intimate place within that you reveal who you truly are. Discard the all too familiar and undesirable themes of your past. You don’t have to tow them around forever. Embrace that. Evolve from that and let it shine. Don’t settle for merely making history repeat itself. Through creation, we take all the lessons gleaned from where we’ve been before and parlay them into the experience needed to reach the new heights. Today, travel up and forward, toward you, for you. Notice where you settle, learn what you need to learn, and create something beautifully new upon that. Create from reflection.

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