Developing Spirituality, Even if You’re Not Religious

Developing spirituality is a process that serves you in many pivotal ways. Even if you’re not religious, there is still a lot to be said for investigating the spiritual component within you. “Spiritual but not religious” people account for over 20% of the population in the United States. So, what does the word spiritual really mean? The word spiritual is used to describe that which relates to the human spirit. Our life force, animating energy, whatever you wish to call it. It goes beyond the material. Being spiritual is about appreciating all aspects of life fully. Most of us have learned to experience the world in a very superficial way, and have become conditioned to that perspective. However, there is so much more just below the surface. If you’d like to further cultivate your spirituality, this article is for you.

Simple Spiritual Steps

First, understand that humans complicate spirituality for a variety of reasons. The thing is, whether you’ve never considered spirituality before, or if you’ve encountered some sort of religious trauma in the past, taking steps to discover what makes your spirit move is relatively simple. There’s nothing to “buy into”. Spirituality embraces all religions because it recognizes that all of them are different paths to the same destination. It’s mainly about tuning into yourself and discovering what resonates as true. Fundamentally, I believe that no one KNOWS what’s universally real or true. Everyone KNOWS what’s individually real and true for them. So, as you dive in and cultivate your own spiritual practice, remember, spirituality does not require religion…unless that’s something that fits you. Either way is fine. Be gentle with yourself and allow the benefits of spirituality to move through your life, supporting it in a variety of ways.

  1. Practice openness.

    • It is a natural tendency is to judge things by our past experiences. Practicing openness allows us to experience what is happening in each moment, based on its own merit. Essentially, being open allows us to disconnect from automatic and conditioned reactions. Instead, we respond in a completely tuned-in way. When faced with something new, try to keep an open and non-judgmental mind. New opportunities to learn and expand your perspective are all around you. Attaining a higher sense of spirituality requires being open to the possibilities.
  2. Learn to listen.

    • Few people really listen. Thus, most of us are simply waiting for our turn to talk. Unfortunately, this means effective communication takes a back seat. However, learning to really listen to yourself and others turns it all right back around. But it’s not just about listening with your ears. It’s about listening with your heart to hear what the world, and others, are trying to communicate to you. Listen deeply and see what unfolds. Connection is life changing.
  3. See the beauty in people, things, and situations.

    • Part of spirituality involves seeing the truth. Not what the ego jumps to, not what other people indicate, but the real, deep truth, from your perspective.  There is beauty to be found in nearly everything.  When we spend time recognizing it is part of a larger whole, we are identifying truths, not just isolated facts * When you see the truth, you come to realize there are very few things to worry about. Once we have a spiritual perspective, our overall health, and wellness benefit. For example, we connect deeper, experience improved relationships, and suffer less stress and anxiety.
  4. Spend some time in nature.

    • There are few things more spiritual than sitting in nature. Simply communing with the sun on your face and the breeze pressing against your back is an exercise in being. Experience the trees, grass, flowers, and birds. Remember that our ability to perceive and experience the world around us serves us best when we remember to do exactly that. Sit for a bit. Observe and enjoy this experience of existence.
  5. Look for the bigger picture.

    • The mere act of wondering about the universe and what it all means is an exercise in spirituality.
    • * Consider your purpose and true meaning to the world. What is the greatest gift you have to give?
  6. Spirituality is ultimately about self-discovery.

    • In many ways, it can be considered the art and science of discovering who and what you really are. In order to effectively do that, the ego (or active logical mind) must step aside sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, the ego serves us well in a lot of pursuits. It isn’t helpful if we never update the logical conditioning and understandings that it’s built upon. In a sense, when our underlying belief system, experiences, and current mindset don’t match up, the ego keeps us stuck.  The inner-work of spirituality ensures that we all continue growing and evolving in magnificent ways.
  7. Stay focused on the present.

    • Living in the past or the future isn’t living. Life can only be lived right now. Part of being spiritual is recognizing that living a positive life today leads to good things tomorrow. Additionally, it assists us in healing the lingering wounds of our past. * Spend time each day focusing only on the moment that you’re currently experiencing. * By focusing on your thoughts, words, and actions today, you’re living fully present in the now.
  8. Love yourself.

    • Self-love starts with self-acceptance. You’re beautifully human. If you don’t love yourself, how will you ever feel comfortable enough to present your true self to the world? It’s important to understand that we’ve all done things the wrong way and come up short numerous times but it doesn’t define us. It merely describes us in a certain situation at a certain time. As we excavate our inner-worlds, we find that it’s okay to cut ourselves some slack. Just like everyone else, we’re human and we do our best in the situations at hand, with whatever we have available. Loving our imperfections is a catalyst for kindness and understanding.
  9. Allow yourself to be inspired.

    • Last but not least, to fully learn about yourself, it’s important to experience new things. Meet new people and read new books. Only by being exposed to everything that interests you can you learn everything there is to know about yourself. If you’ve ever been dissatisfied with your life and thought, “There must be something more” you’re absolutely right. There’s a whole lot more. Learning about yourself and your place in the world might even be the true meaning of life. But that’s for you to decide and discover. You’ll quickly find that inspiration is everywhere.

The benefits of developing spirituality are incredible. They allow us to open up our awareness, connect, and cope with life in extraordinary ways. As you discover what spirituality looks like in your own life, and what role it plays in your development, I so hope that you find solace there. Be open. Listen deeply. Witness the beauty.

Find What Nourishes You.

Stay Connected. 


13 Spiritual Reads

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