Energetic Affirmations

Everywhere we go, there we are, and it’s helpful to have some energetic affirmations on deck just in case we encounter something that threatens our balance. Often, life moves so fast that it’s easy to miss blatant signs that we’ve migrated a little off-kilter. When we take the time that it takes to check in with our energy, we receive the wisdom that we need to serve ourselves, and the world, more effectively. There are many different methods for checking in with yourself on an energetic level. As you learn and explore, the ways that you choose to practice are less critical than the frequency with which you implement them into your practice. Consistency is key. Observing imbalances creates the space for you to put your yoga to work. How will you choose to nourish deficiencies and excess for optimal balance?

Chakra Review

The Hindu-based, 7 chakra system is the #1 most used energetic chakra system in yoga. Today, I’ve focused on the basic chakra colors since there are countless other models, yet most utilize the same (or a similar) color scheme.  No matter the theoretical system that you’re using, chakras have 3 states of being.




By keeping track of this routinely, we can better learn about our patterns, cycles, and objectively decide whether or not the efforts that we’re taking to maintain balance are working. When working with chakra affirmations, I recommend working “bottom-up” starting at the root chakra and ending at the crown. However, you may use them individually, or all at once, in whatever way best suits your personal practice.

Energetic Affirmations

When working with chakra affirmations, I recommend working “bottom-up” starting at the root chakra and ending at the crown. Figure out which way works best in your personal practice. The affirmations can be read, thought, said aloud, or even used as journal prompts for further self-development and exploration. 

“You are the Universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.”

– Eckhart Tolle


1. Root – Muladhara –  Survival.

At the root chakra, I ground into the security of my life. To acknowledge the space of inner foundational strength is to accept that there is nothing out of control. Safely at ease, I honor my divine knowing.



2. Sacral – Swadhisthana –  Creativity.

At the Sacral chakra, I energize my creativity and motivation. To acknowledge my source of inner inspiration, allows passion and sentiment to flow freely. By activating my insight, I honor my divine knowing.



3. Solar Plexus – Manipura – Will power.

At the Solar Plexus, I ignite my personal power. To acknowledge my capacity for action, allows my visions to come to life. By activating movement, I honor my divine knowing.



4. Heart – Anahata –  Love.

At the Heart chakra, I open to loving connection. To acknowledge my divine link with the world, allows me to greet life in partnership. By opening to this alliance, I honor my divine knowing.



5. Throat – Vishuddha – Expression.

At the Throat chakra, I cultivate the ability to express my truths. To acknowledge my voice, allows inner wisdom to shine. By asserting my messages, I honor my divine knowing.



6. Third Eye – Ajna – Intuition and wisdom.

At the Third Eye, I foster my intuition. To cultivate my instincts, allows discernment to thrive. By activating this innate knowledge, I honor my divine knowing.


7. Crown – Sahasrara –  Spiritual Connection. 

At the Crown chakra, I yoke my connection to the universe. To acknowledge my link with all that is, allows my partnership with life to flow freely in love. By tending to this bond, I honor my divine knowing.



After you’re Done

Take a deep cleansing breath, and let it all go. When we mindfully witness our states of being, we understand that we are always transitioning. Serve yourself daily as you reflect with love. No need to latch on to anything that you’ve uncovered; take the insight that you need, meet the work with respect, and then relax. This is a practice of self-love. Awareness is not married to urgency. Let yourself learn to flow.


















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