Expand Your Comfort Zone

Do you need to expand your comfort zone? Does thinking about the idea of it fill you with panic or joy? The truth is, we tend to avoid discomfort at all costs. It’s kinda like a human default setting, and unfortunately, it’s one of the most limiting factors in our lives.  Whether it’s in the physical, mental, or emotional sense (or all of the above), breaking out of the cozy confines of complacency can do wonders for your health and quality of life. Let me be clear, there’s nothing wrong with being cozy, but what if a little discomfort really is the only thing standing between you, and reaching a brand new level of satisfaction?

Why We Like The Comfort Zone SO Much

Inside the zone, there’s nothing there to challenge our status quo; and people, oh, we like that status quo. The longer that we stay in it, the cozier we get, and the less motivated we become to branch out. Our brains don’t have to think as hard, our bodies work off of muscle memory, and well, we get lazy (because it’s efficient: less discomfort = less energy needed). You won’t get any judgment from me, I get it. When it comes down to it, I’m way more likely to press my mental and emotional comfort zones than my physical one, even though I KNOW how satisfying that can be too. However, food is plentiful and we’re no longer living in a caveman kind of world.  It’s simple: the better we can handle the IDEA of discomfort, the easier it is for us to adapt, explore, and expand our horizons. Like magic, if we can accept discomfrot, we can stop procrastinating, never quit going after what really calls us, and stand a real chance at completing everything that we’ve dreamed up over the years but never acted or followed through on.

What Are The Benefits of Branching Out?

There’s a reason why they say, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Do you know what it is? 

When we’re nestled inside the ‘cozy zone’, we become more like sleepy little zombies; going on about our routine thoughts and business, half awake and without any challenge…and that’s okay, for a while. Sometimes, our alertness needs a rest, and that’s what downtime is for. I like to describe it like this; Your comfort zone is your home base. You can always go back there, but if you stay there forever, will you remain awake enough to really appreciate it? Say yes, if you must, but know this, a little adventure now and then shakes things up and leads to growth! Expanding through the experiences and contemplations of new stimulus re-awaken the mind and the body. I’m not saying you need to go all-in for an entire life overhaul here, but I am saying, take a look around. Assess how you feel and whether or not you want more, need more, or could maybe benefit from a little influx of spice in your life.


Get Comfortable With Discomfort

  • Start with something that’s difficult, but not too challenging
  • Continue to push a little further the next time. Each time you work through a little more discomfort, it gets easier.
  • When the going gets rough, take a deep breath and force yourself to smile
  • Observe your discomfort. By simply observing and not becoming emotionally involved with your discomfort, you’ll likely notice that your discomfort lessens.
  • Push through a little discomfort. Avoid letting yourself quit anything the first time you get the urge to stop.
  • Start slowly. You can always add a little bit of time or extra challenge each week.

 At the End of the Day

We tell ourselves little white lies like, “I can’t” when what we’re really doing is resisting discomfort (usually out of fear or complacency) and labeling it as truth. In other words, we’re like ninjas for getting in our own way. YIKES! Let’s knock that off okay? Play around with your comfort zone. Perhaps you can approach it like we do Yin on the yoga mat: notice your edges and see if you can play them, create space for them to expand, all while maintaining an intention of loving-kindness.  Life is incredible; we know that, but how often do we ask ourselves to naviagate out into and see what we can see? We have to meet the world where it’s out, and it’s out there, just waiting for you to arrive so it can reveal it’s magic to you. C’mon your brave, beautiful soul, let’s let go of fear, axe self-sabotage, and start living like every day was made for checking dreams off that Bucket List.



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