Fine-Tune Your Goal Driven Mind

First things first, set checkpoints  to fine-tune your goal driven mind. Goals are great, but only if your mind’s operating system is working. What’s the standard train of thought in the world today? While you may think that there are many, and sure, lots of topics and standpoints are available, there is one common element to almost all of them. I find that that one singular element is one of distraction. Amusements, aberrations, and mirages all reinforcing an overarching feeling of complication, interference, and diversion as they disrupt our days. These are all things leading us away from what we find innately important. 

“When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.”

-George Washington Carver

Regulate Your Brain Food 

   Subliminal messages are everywhere. Whatever captures your attention, wields it in a particular direction. “Try this, buy that, go here, take action!” It’s overwhelming, and the majority of it feeds fear and insecurity by breeding greed, worry, and doubt. If you’re unhappy with where your attention lies; seek more gratifying brain food. The power to take back control of your attention is yours for the taking. Do that. 

    Since we know that it is true that “what you think, you become,” it’s time to evaluate where the majority of your daily influence is coming from. Examine what it is that you think of most of the time, and what’s feeding it. What are the feelings and thoughts associated with it? How do your actions display these underlying beliefs? The shows that you watch, the music you listen to, the people that surround you, they all feed into your world-view and lend their views and values to your inner-voice. They foster subtle changes to your inner narrative, and if you’re not careful, can overtake it completely. 

Focus Your Attention

   So, what’s really on your radar? We all know that the object of our attention affects us. Absorbing tons of junk in, it yields an output of only trash out as well. If we obsess on drama, we perpetuate it. If we are mindful of positivity, we increase our optimism. Seemingly simple, but this goes much deeper than surface-level wants and attitudes. In a moment of deep reflection, consider what your average day of exposure and stimulation is doing to you or for you.

Take A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach

 To fine-tune your goal driven mind, you have to tap all the way in. Pull your brain off of auto-pilot. Observe the messages that your mind is noshing away on when you’re not paying attention. Fine-tune your mental filter. Increase your awareness of the world around you and make changes to the input what your feeding yourself. It’s a multi-layered approach to success. Challenge the messages. Stop absorbing that which is no longer of use to you. Cultivate the information that you routinely expose yourself to. Get active. Meditate and fine-tune your attention. In tandem, these things allow you to purify your overall health and output. Anything is possible, when all things are in alignment. Fine-tuned, your goal driven mind can create everything that you truly desire. 


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