Gain Quality Sleep By Changing Your Eating Habits

For anyone who isn’t sleeping well; start taking steps to gain quality sleep by changing your eating habits. Live by the mantra, “quality in, quality out”. It’s natural, simple, and produces swift results. The truth is, by paying mindful attention to our eating habits, we can start catching more quality Zzzz’s in no time at all. Research heavily suggests that the way you eat affects the way you sleep and do just about everything else. Added bonus: we will feel better all the way around.

So, what isn’t everybody already doing this? Well, the truth is, how we eat, isn’t just about our conditioned behavior. Sometimes, we just don’t know what we don’t know. In addition, stress & activity levels, emotions, and social behaviors all play into how we eat. In order to bring all these beautiful elements of life into balance, we need to start with basic self-care. Nutrition and sleep are two of the most fundamental building blocks that can support or disrupt every other layer of self-health and quality of life.  Learn how adjusting your diet can help you get better quality rest each night. Ask yourself, Do I want to enhance my sleep quality? If so, let’s break down some simple eating habits.

Changing the Way You Eat

First things first: know your WHY. Sure, you know that you want to sleep better, but what are some other reasons that might support your efforts to clean up your diet? Get clear on what those reasons are because you may need a little go-to motivation to help your conscious new behaviors gain traction.

  1. Understand the circular effects of “eat and sleep”.

    • Sleep affects your diet and vice versa.
    • Quality rest helps curb excess appetite.
    • A good night’s sleep also helps prevent weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and many other serious conditions.
  2. Enjoy a broad variety of dishes.

    • A recent study found that people who slept 7 to 8 hours a night ate the greatest variety of foods.
    • A diverse diet not only tastes good, but it also enhances your chances of getting all the nutrients your body needs.
  3. Consider cutting down on calories.

    • Sleep issues are more common in people who are overweight.
    • That’s just one more reason to try to take off excess pounds.
  4. Have a small snack before bed.

    • Grabbing a bite before bed can keep hunger pangs from waking you up during the night.
    • You’ll be a lot less likely to wander into the kitchen and inhale a cheesecake.
  5. Use caffeine wisely.

    • Caffeine tends to heighten your awareness temporarily, but may cause you to crash a few hours later.
    • Consume smaller servings of caffeine-filled drinks.
    • Try drinking a half cup of coffee in the morning and another at lunch. Avoid all caffeine for at least 4 hours before bedtime.
  6. Spot hidden sources of caffeine.

    • Even if you give up coffee, you may still be ingesting caffeine.
    • It’s also present in chocolate as well as in many medications, tea, and soft drinks.
  7. Consume alcohol in moderation.

    • Cocktails may put you to sleep faster, but they’ll interfere with the deeper stages of slumber that are the most restorative.
    • Experts recommend a maximum of one alcoholic beverage per day for women and two for men.
  8. Prepare for the post-lunch dip.

    • You may experience drowsiness after eating a big lunch.
    • That feeling is partly due to the energy being used for digestion and partly due to natural body rhythms that induce fatigue about every 12 hours.
    • Learn to work with your natural rhythms.


What Next?

It’s intrinsic, there is a close connection between your diet and your sleeping habits. Eating foods rich in variety and high in nutrients, along with choosing sensible late-night snacks, will help keep you trim and well-rested. If you’d like to go ahead and start changing the foods that you eat, click here.

As you pull your eating habits back into alignment and start getting better sleep; the world is your oyster! Fully nourished, you’re ready to take your goals, mindset, and experiences to all-new levels. Check out this simple meditation for Letting Go The Residue of The Day.


Be well.

Inside and out.


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