Gardening Is Therapeutic

Indoor, outdoor, hobby, or profession, gardening is therapeutic in a variety of ways. If you’re interested in the idea of garden therapy and how it can be beneficial in your spiritual journey, this article is for you. One of my favorite quotes sums it up best: “Working in the garden is like digging knowledge from the earth.” ― Karthikeyan V. What knowledge are you currently seeking? Perhaps, all the answers are waiting for you right in the soil as it meets with your hands. 

I look forward to my gardening day each week. It brings me such relaxation to spend time with nature. It heals emotionally and physically. My favorite gardening activity is uprooting weeds. This activity reminds me of the importance of cleaning out unhealthy clutter. I see how much my plants thrive when I remove the threats around them. It inspires me to do the same in my life. For example. pruning my roses allows me to show care to another living thing. I get a true sense of pride when I see my flowers blooming and growing. Seeing them cared for in their natural habitat teaches me the value of offering love. People and plants are alike in their gratitude to care and attention. I use the example of caring for my flowers to guide my relationships with my loved ones. When I garden, I get a chance to see the beauty of nature unfold. It is so inspiring to see things blossoming even in unfavorable conditions.

Healing In the Garden

  • Slow Down.
  • Connect With The Earth.
  • Be Mindful of How Nature Works & Cycles.
  • Tend To Your Garden With Love.
  • Notice the Wisdom That It Teaches You; Inside and Out.


I am reminded to persevere and let my good colors show. I owe it to myself to put my best foot forward. When I commit to this, I gain self-confidence. It is reassuring to see the response from others when I choose to shine bright. Taking care of the plants each evening gives me a chance to meditate on the day behind me. I use the opportunity before sunset to celebrate the day’s highlights and work on a plan for renewal for tomorrow. Today, the beauty and wisdom of nature are influential in my life. I welcome each chance to spend time in my garden because it is an enriching experience. What do you learn when you garden?

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What lesson do I learn when my plants show signs of disease?
  2. Which hobbies give me peace of mind?
  3. What are my favorite plants to tend to?

Gardening is therapeutic on every level, and the experience is quite different for everyone. No matter where you live (city, suburbia or farm) there’s a way to bring a little more connection into your life. Explore garden therapy and how it can benefit your spiritual journey today. Maybe it’s as simple as getting Garden Fit. Whether you already get out and take time to work with the earth or if you’re looking to make it part of your practice; explore the possibilities. Remember to be mindful. Nature works in mysterious ways.

Let Nature Lead The Way.

Stay Connected. 


Air Plant Baths: A Nature Meditation 

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