Happy World UFO Day !

World UFO Day is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life. Celebrated on July 2nd, it serves as a platform for enthusiasts, researchers, and individuals interested in UFO phenomena to come together, share information, and discuss their beliefs and experiences. It may not be an official part of “yoga” but the vibes mesh well in regards to keeping a “beginner’s mind.” So, for today, admit that you don’t know everything and simply sink into the awe and wonder around you.


World UFO Day originated from two separate events:

  1. Roswell Incident
    •  The first event occurred on July 2nd, 1947, when an alleged UFO crash took place near Roswell, New Mexico. This incident gained significant attention and sparked speculation about extraterrestrial visitation. In subsequent years, July 2nd became associated with UFO-related activities and discussions.
  2. National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC)
    •  The second event was the establishment of the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) by Robert Gribble in 1974. NUFORC collects and records UFO sighting reports from individuals across the United States, contributing to the study and documentation of UFO phenomena.


The primary purpose of World UFO Day is to promote awareness and open dialogue about UFOs, alien encounters, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It encourages individuals to share their UFO sightings, experiences, and research findings, fostering a sense of community among enthusiasts and researchers.


World UFO Day is marked by various activities and events, including:

  1. Public Lectures and Conferences
    •  Organizations and individuals host lectures, conferences, and seminars to discuss UFO sightings, research findings, and theories about extraterrestrial life.
  2. Documentary Screenings
    •  Screenings of UFO-related documentaries and films provide insights into historical UFO incidents, scientific investigations, and personal accounts of alien encounters.
  3. Skywatching Events
    •  Some groups organize skywatching events where participants gather to observe the night sky in search of UFO sightings. These events often include discussions about astronomy and UFO phenomena.
  4. Online Forums and Social Media
    •  Online forums, social media groups, and hashtags dedicated to World UFO Day allow enthusiasts to connect, share stories, and discuss UFO-related topics with a global audience.
  5. Educational Campaigns
    •  Educational institutions may conduct outreach activities to educate the public about UFOs, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry into unexplained aerial phenomena.


The goals of World UFO Day include:

  • Promoting open-mindedness and critical thinking regarding UFO phenomena.
  • Encouraging scientific inquiry and research into unidentified aerial phenomena.
  • Providing a platform for individuals to share their UFO experiences and sightings.
  • Fostering a sense of community among UFO enthusiasts, researchers, and the public.

At The End of The Day 

World UFO Day serves as an annual reminder of humanity’s enduring fascination with the unknown and our curiosity about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. By facilitating discussions, sharing information, and promoting scientific inquiry, this event contributes to the ongoing exploration of UFO phenomena and our place in the cosmos.

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