Today, the words of John Ray come to mind, “Haste makes waste, and waste makes want, and want makes strife.” Funny morning here. Human moments have a way of humbling ya when you least expect it. Personally, one of my biggest fears is “missing something,” and there’s always something, right? My stuff, kid stuff, work stuff, etc. I plan and schedule, and review my schedule meticulously, always making sure the ends meet. I fear “loss of control,” even when the truth says that there’s so much going on, mistakes are inevitable, and they’re okay. Regardless, I try every day to rise above obstacles. Thus, subconsciously, I frequently forget that I’m not superwoman.
Rush Hour
Each morning, we rally the troops and supplies of the day as we usher toward our obligations. Sometimes, I’ve noticed that my brain will latch onto specifics (dates, times, etc.) and drop the rest in the name of efficiency. Today, my life lesson is that “yes, there is such a thing as being overly efficient.” Up since 5, I showered, made carpool line with my daughter, reminded my husband about 4th-grade open house later, and was in route to a town over when I realized something wasn’t jiving. What was it? Oh, ya know…I just nearly showed up to my dentist appointment 2 months prematurely! Who does that?! I mean, I get how it happened, and thank God I caught it, but dang. How laughable our human efforts can be. In my haste, I wasted over an hour, rushing towards something totally unnecessary. Lesson learned. In reflection, this mishap was an inevitable misstep of an overwhelmed modern mommy. It’s as basic as that.
Flow, Don’t Fight
This is why we plan, and God laughs. Wires cross, information rushes, and in haste, we make mistakes. It’s human. Evidently, we need reminders to slow down and breathe. Life is more than checking things off of your to-do list. There is something gracious and enjoyable about slowing down. Everything will work out one way or another. No superwomen needed. If you need me, I’ll be over here trading my fear of “missing something” for settling into the moment at hand. Wishing you all a Tuesday that flows naturally with life instead of trying to swim full steam ahead against it. Haste makes waste ladies, and honestly, how inefficient is that? Flow without the fear of “missing something” because it’s highly likely that you might. You’re allowed to be human.
Recenter and Restart
Everything considered, just take deep breaths and restart the day with a giggle. Take a cue from Tom Walsh, “It’s easy to get lost in our own heads.” Thoughts, worries, and plans often take on lives of their own. There can be difficulty in moving stress and problems to the back-seat when we’re so used to letting them carry us away. But we are in the driver’s seat. If instead, we learn how to control our minds, we never lose sight of the beauty of the present moment. Yoga allows us to be completely aware of what’s right here, right now. Perhaps there’s a person who really could use you to take a couple of moments to pay attention to him or her; maybe there’s a cool autumn breeze that’s going to calm your spirit with its sweet touch–but only if you actually notice it.” Notice it all without the waste of haste.