How to Axe Self-Sabotaging Behavior

Learning how to Axe Self-Sabotaging Behavior is the cornerstone of getting your life into the alignment that you deserve. Self-sabotage is a uniquely human behavior. Many of us sabotage ourselves when we decide we want something by doing everything we possibly can to ensure we don’t get it. Sound familiar? Although self-sabotage is a subconscious behavior, we CAN get a handle on it. It’s time to axe self-sabotaging behavior right outta your life, so put on your boots ladies, we’re about to chop away!

WHY Do We Do This?!

Don’t worry, it’s not just you. There are many reasons that you might sabotage yourself, but one of the main reasons is this; we operate on our well-established, unconscious defaults. And, that’s a big problem when we’re trying to make room for change. Self-Sabotage is an extremely common behavior, rooted in the fear of the unknown. If you’ve immersed yourself in mediocrity, the idea of greatness may be frightening. Ask yourself, “are you completely satisfied with your life?”

Discover why You Self-Sabotage:

  1. Is it because you have a need to be in control of your circumstances?  The easiest and most certain way to stay in control is to maintain the status quo. The truth is, if you put your all into something, you run the risk of becoming vulnerable. Fear often gets the best of you and you self-sabotage. It’s ‘safe’. W
  2. Do you feel unworthy of having what you really want? We’ve become conditioned to assess our wants and desires as ‘bad’ things, and THEY ARE NOT. It simply isn’t so.  For whatever reason, you may have decided that ultimate happiness ought to be forever beyond your reach. If this is the case, take a little time to dig into that. This is a self-limiting idea, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  1. Are you undermining your efforts because you’re seeking the high of excitement? Take a breath, this one can be difficult to face off with. Sometimes, we feel the need to remain in a constant state of turmoil to distract yourself from painful memories, alleviate boredom, or simply because we’ve become addicted to the drama of failing.

If you see glimpses of yourself in any of these descriptions, fear not: there are steps you can take to put yourself back on the path that’s headed toward self-mastery.


The Process for Defeating Self-Sabotage:


  1. Observe your behavior.

    First off, it’s essential that you begin to observe yourself. You can effectively do this by creating a self-sabotage journal. Make a journal entry every time you realize that you’ve sabotaged yourself. Describe the setting, circumstances, and end result. Avoid over-analyzing (Meditation helps). Most often, a person’s true intentions are most evident in their actions, rather than their words. Slow down and pay attention to areas in your life where your intentions and your actions aren’t quite matching up. Strive to be an impersonal observer. Journal it out so you can literally see your own account of what’s happening. Eventually, you’ll gain a better understanding of your motives in certain situations.

  2. Envision success.

    Keep in mind that success is neither black nor white. Cultivate the habit of envisioning what success means to you and remember how it feels to achieve it. If you do this consistently, you may find that what you envision changes over time. When we can begin to see success as an integral part of the future, and still accept that there will be challenges, we’re on our way to making incredible course corrections. Just like everyone else, we’ll still have to pay taxes and encounter issues from time to time, BUT, we’ll be out of our own way and firmly on our own side. #GoTeam

  3. Let go of the notion of perfection.

    As you visualize success, consider how you may still be equating success with perfection. Perfection is an illusion of perspective and it holds no weight on the scale of success.  When we view perfection and success as equals, we basically shoot ourselves in the foot. It’s what George Bernard Shaw calls a “doublethink.” Your subconscious won’t allow you to achieve success if you associate success with the impossible task of being perfect. Think of your subconscious mind as a computer; it doesn’t have the programming to execute a command called “do the impossible” and perfection friend, IS impossible. Success is totally doable all day long.


Key Takeaway

  • If you associate success with fear or perfection, your subconscious will fight you the entire way, because its primary function is to protect you from perceived threats. AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. Give yourself permission to anticipate success with excitement that’s free of all self-sabotaging drama! Send your subconscious the new message, 2.0: “Give me success! I’m totally capable of it.”


So, that’s it! This is how you axe self-sabotaging behavior. Embrace the good life you deserve by picturing yourself as successful, and then refuse to talk yourself out of going for it. The journey to your ideal life starts now! Set down your baggage and leave all self-sabotaging behaviors in behind! Disrupt all the old negative energy with mindfully positive affirmations.

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