If you’re looking for yogic advice on how to live a fulfilling life, you might have heard the phrase “don’t say something, show something.” But what does that really mean? And how do we integrate this idea with the concept of working hard for what we want?
Bring these ideas together is through yoga. Remember, in yoga, we “do without doing and it all gets done.” Embodying your truth. Integrate your principles into daily life. It’s about recognizing our strengths and shortcomings, being honest with ourselves, and caring for ourselves enough to take action when needed.
Often, people seek advice when they’re emotionally elevated, but true receptivity happens in calm, unassuming spaces. It’s important to let go of fear, worry, and anxiety, and instead be open, free, and uninhibited. We should want what we have and be as we are, embracing our imperfections and allowing ourselves to evolve and expand.
Even negative situations in life are important and connected to our deepest insecurities. By accepting this, we can let go of our need for control and live in the present moment. It’s also important to take quiet moments of solitude. Reflect on your experiences . Integrate important messages that you might otherwise ignore.
Living a fulfilling life is about progress, expansion, and arriving perfectly in time, true to our divine design. So let go of the need to control everything and embrace the journey with open arms. Choose to Have a Great Day!
“Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in.
And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable;
to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that
we can know what we already know and be who we already are.”
– Rolf Gates
Be Well.