I’m Teaching Myself A New Skill

I’m teaching myself a new skill because active personal growth depends on mind, body, and behavior. Creativity helps me to express that aliveness. Although my heart desires adventure and craves excitement, the greatest portion of my life is actually spent at home. Learning, writing, connecting, and caring for my household through service and companionship. 

Through personal growth, I keep the explorer in me well entertained while learning more about life and myself, fueling my spirit for offering my services freely.

Each day is something new, and about every six months or so, I add in a new skill to beef up my creative arsenal.

Everything is better when we consider it a skill

From brushing our teeth to connecting with others, behaviors are skills. The best thing about this is, there is literally nothing that we can’t get better at with a little practice. Empathy? Learned skill. Chess? Painting? Rocket science? learned skills. Skills are what make our world go round. Finding resources for learning new things is easy. These days, with information so readily available on the internet and in books, I am taking advantage of the blessing of knowledge by learning something new. In making skill development a priority in my life, I engage in life with humble curiosity.

Know Your WHY

The process reminds me that regardless of my age or background, I am intelligent enough to teach myself how to perform a new task or to get better at one that I already know. Remember, we are all going to make mistakes and face a rotation of challenges that allows us to be undeterred as we walk through life. All that transpires is a part of the learning process. And that’s really what we’re doing in every conscious task; learning.  When we freely lean into the processes of this, we also condition ourselves to reach out, gain insight, and accept help whenever we’re stumped. 

Welcome New Skills With Open Arm

  • I find out what I am interested in and then train myself to perform something related to what I like.
  • Teaching myself new skills is placing me at an advantage in my work.
  • The people around me admire my initiative in learning a new skill on my own.

Pro -Learning Tip: You are capable of doing the necessary research to become informed about any new or standing interest. Repeat this until you feel it in deep within your being:


“While working on my new abilities, I inspire others to follow their dreams by creating opportunities for themselves.

Today, I choose to continue to grow and educate myself beyond what I imagined possible.

As a lifelong learner, I figure out what I want to do and then teach myself how to do it.

My attitude destroys any barriers that stand between my dreams and me.”

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What new skill would I like to learn?

2. Where can I get information on learning this skill?

3. How do I feel about embarking on a new adventure?


Know what you seek.

Make it Accessible.


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