Keeping Perspective

Nearly every situation that you encounter in life can be improved or destroyed if you aren’t keeping proper perspective. The attitude with which you greet life, greets you back. It’s more than our viewpoint; it’s the lens through which we interpret everything that happens. When everything is awesome, or if it all really bites, make sure you take note of what role you’re playing in the process. Your headspace affects every connection that you do, or don’t make. 

 I’ve come up with a way to help myself make decisions more naturally. No matter what my perspective is at any given moment, I can pull my head right out of it and focus clearly. Instead of mulling over all of the ins and outs of every situation or choice, I immediately consider, “If the world ended right that second; would you be okay with, or super ticked off, that you went out like THAT?!” It’s simple, to the point, and it works. Perspective is everything. “I don’t want to do that.” “I have other plans.” “Never will I wear that dress.” “That’s not the job for me.” Keep things in their proper context and proceed to live the best version of your life. 

 Making poignant choices that reflect your gratitude and values takes stark discernment. Make sure your mindset stays clean, clear, and up to the task. The closer that you are to any situation, physically or emotionally, the less likely you are to exert the perspective of it that will serve you best in the long run. When that happens, step back, check-in with your emotions, and don’t act or react until you’re clear, calm, and focused. While emotions play a fantastic role in our lives, from a decision-making standpoint, they often fail to yield optimal results. Making the best decisions for yourself on a dime is an art of practice. How are you practicing at least a little bit each and every day?

“I like to turn things upside down, 

to watch pictures and situations from another perspective.”

-Ursus Wehrli


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