Layered Living

Life isn’t meant to stay compartmentalized, so we draw our awareness to the holistic view of layered living. When life seems like a never-ending task of unrelated chores, obligations, and activity, we must step back and realize that it IS all related. Take a step back, and visualize all the layers of your life from a bird’s eye point of view. Every thought, every pocket of responsibility, and every action is part of the greater whole. We naturally compartmentantalize this for use and functionality. Such as, today I’m at work, right now I am parenting, etc. But each version of us, IS US.  Through adopting a layered living mindset, we learn to honor all the subtle connections that thread our lives into one loving, cohesive expression of who we are. The goal is to be just as we are, and allow every element of life to come full circle. 

Living in Rich & Vibrant Layers

 This is a layered life. 

The connections and wisdom of our layered living are present whether we choose to acknowledge them or not.

It doesn’t always seem like a courageous act to be fully honest with yourself but today I want you to recognize that it is totally courageous!

Find a cozy spot. Get settled and regulate your breaths. Invite the idea of total acceptance to wash over you.

Accept all the tidy little compartments of what’s going on in your life right now.

Know that you are making progress and going with the flow, exactly as you’re supposed to be in this particular place and time.

Everything that needs to happen is happening, even as you sit here now, sitting gloriously still.


A Full Circle Meditation

I am living in layers.

Slivers of me exist in every role and function that I perform. 

I am genuine.

I am active in all the pockets and compartmentalizations in my life. 

When I can fully acknowledge my assets and my shortcomings,

 my triumphs and my trials,

and just be confident in who I am in this moment;

This is success.

I am living in layers and experiencing each beautifully. 

I am the culmination of my past, present, and future.

In mind, body, energy, and spirit; I am a tapestry of depth and experience.

I am whole without trying or striving to be anything.

Contentment is mine when I praise myself for living fully in every layer.

I allow every intricate layer to lend me peace, strength, and contentment. 


Sink into the idea of layered living and take that insight with you throughout your day. Remember, together we are a community of mindful women in action. When you consciously zoom in and out of the layers of your life, how do you feel? Is it possible to be a neutral witness? Can you feel and believe the truth in the affirmation:

“I can meet and witness my truth in every layer. Basking in the light of my whole truth, I care enough about that being to willingly release all threads of self-sabotage.”

Dive Deep.

Live your Layers.


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