New Moon Apana

The new moon draws apana out. In Sanskrit, Apana is the fullest extension of your exhale. The winds of life are always at work.  As we edge toward the next new moon, our energy prepares to sow new seeds for beginning the renewal process once again. Here’s the thing, universal flow works in some pretty spectacular ways.  If you find yourself sighing a little extra today, don’t fret. In my experience, Apana is the most audible of the 5 vayus. Instead, embrace the power of your most complete Apana. When we can acknowledge the cyclical flow of nature, we remind ourselves with love that just as much as life is “happening to us” there is just as much evidence that it’s really ‘happening for us” in ways that we can’t quite see or comprehend yet.

Cycling New Moon Apana

First, notice the current state of the macrocosm. There is always more at play than we percieve in any given moment. With the new moon approaching, it’s time to ground back down. The opportunity for your energy’s fullest expression will come back, but for now, take stock in what is most nurturing and nourishing. As Apana (the downward flowing life force or great exhalations) becomes evident; release completely. Mindfully return to balance as you invite prana in (for it is plenty) and maintain your inner peace through all current shifts. Inhale life, exhale with nonattachment.


May all that needs to go, go.

May all that needs to come, come. 

I allow the universe to feel all the love and gratitude within me, radiating outward in connection to it. 

I am ready for and open to a new beginning. 



In using our yoga practice as part of our Moonwork, we honor the natural shifts and cycles that are part of this glorious and perfect life experience. Apana peaks at the New Moon, for we have already migrated through our fullest expressions this month. Thus, it’s time to prepare ourselves to regenerate once again. New Moon Apana is an opportunity to actively release what no longer serves. A must to create space for all that is coming. If you’re interested in using breathwork to bring yourself back into balance, check out this awesome video on Youtube:


Namaste Lovelies!


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