Spirituality is an important aspect of my life, and my yoga practice plays a significant role in helping me to maintain a strong foundation in this area. Creating a spiritual life and foundation can be a deeply personal and individual journey. Yoga is not just a physical practice; it isContinue Reading

“Ego run riot” is an unpleasant way of being. In our daily lives, we all experience moments when we feel like the world revolves around us. We become consumed by our own desires, goals, and accomplishments, and everything else fades into the background. This is what psychologists refer to as “egoContinue Reading

Holiday yoga is on point because it doesn’t take time; it makes time. Leaning into our practice means letting our skills serve us best when we need them most. This year, take the time that it takes to treat yourself really well, first. Allow your practice to deepen your enjoymentContinue Reading

I know we’re all really busy this time of year, but yoga compliments the holidays in more ways than you can count. It’s common for people to turn their awareness away from aspects of health, nutrition, and fitness over the holidays, but it doesn’t serve us well. Long-term change unfolds when weContinue Reading