Sharing in the Unexpected

Unfamiliar realities breed rare obstacles and previously unimagined opportunities. Right now, we, across the world, have the unique experience of sharing in the unexpected.  We’re all justifying to figure it out, navigating one thing at a time. This shared perspective is a great occasion for love, humility, and connection. This is a time for rest and growth; inner, outer, and across the board. Sensations of grief swell as we temporarily lose jobs, and in some places, basic civil liberties. For some, the sadness that arches within will be more permanent. Through all the transition, as my heart too aches, I wonder: What will we cultivate now? How will we collectively transform from this season? This spring, though blindsided, we have been given uncommonly rich soil from which incredible new things can grow. Will we find the highest good in all the grief that we are currently traveling through?


Right now, in slowing down, I hope you’re unearthing many gifts. Although I know all of you are already experiencing new levels of sway and realignment as we face many unprecedented things, I want to take this moment to remind you of the beauty that exists within all things. Life is moving forward. Maybe not in the ways we would choose or anticipate, but life is always moving onwards, growing into whatever it is going to become; even when we think that it has momentarily stopped or suspended. As we sit with this change, and as you sit with whatever changes swirl around in you now, let’s mindfully choose to not get stuck here. Let’s rejoice in great love instead. Life is a gift, health is a luxury, and wealth is a matter of perspective.

Recognize Your Grief

Sometimes, we need help to put our finger on exactly what we’re feeling. In all this, there is one major catalyst, and yet, as a result, many different faces of grief that are surfacing. Here and now, sharing in the unexpected allows us to unify in our grief. We can care for ourselves and one another better because our human struggles are globally shared, seen, and understood.

May whatever you’re currently grieving be allowed, accepted, and let go of whenever you’re ready. 

  • You’re not alone; we’re all experiencing this together.
  • No matter our individual situations, this is a shared experience.
  • We are sharing the great wave of the unexpected.
  • Allow all the new perspectives to hold you for a moment. 
  • Moments of loss and sadness can only be bred in spaces where there is love and connection.
  • Gratitude be to that. Once the shock of grief subsides, there is always good to be uncovered. 

We are not a prisoners, but temporary visitors here.

This place is strange to behold from every vantage point. 


Seek the Calm

Open up to the quiet.

Let it wash in.

Eventually, everything will migrate into a new normal.

Maybe even an improved one. 

Now is a time for nourishment.

Nothing is permanent, and that’s okay; welcome even. 

Even grieving blesses us with wisdom and loving perspective.

In this space of more time and more conversations, be open and kind. 

Be mindful that nothing is concretely “good” or “bad”.

If we’re experiencing it, it is relevant, pivotal, and moving all the same. 

“Learning moments” aren’t just for children, they’re for us all. 



Look Closely

  • Breathe…Take it all in. Let it land.
  • If only for a moment, survey the landscape unhurried, and unexcited.
  • News, insights, emotions. They all play a part.
  • Afterwards, keep breathing. In and out, as everything settles.





Profound disturbances are the great destroyers of our complacency. 

There is security in that. 

Allow yourself to be slowed down a little, and realign with all that matters most. 

In this space, we discover great perspective in setting our priorities straight. 

Now, let the chaos draw you towards reverence instead of clinging. 

Change helps us connect and transform. 

Take the time that it takes to connect. 

Even if we don’t have bread or toilet paper, we have each other.

 Even if we can’t travel far and wide, or float about our normal routines,

we can love large and vast, in this moment, in our very own homes. 

There is so much opportunity here. 



Be present.

Finally, we all have time.

Love deeply.

Appreciate every moment and each subtle change for what it is.

Change is constant, whether we choose to notice and honor it or not.

You Are the Gift!

Unquestionably, life is a precious gift. No matter how big or small. No matter how long or short. It is a beautiful energy that we are privileged to share and experience together. Lean in to that.Easy and hard, slow or fast, simple and complicated. It’s all part of the same process. Life cycles. Every moment is one to be treasured for all the richness that it brings. Moments are valuable.  Above all else, sink into them fully, and drink them in at a leisurely pace. There is so much love!!!! It can’t sell out. It is always readily available. Connection is love. Tap in to this infinite supply. After all, sincere meaning is built and cherished in the smallest acts of every single day. 


Be Light.

Today, let the sun shine on your face a little brighter.

Take all the time that you need to heal, rest, or just sit in gratitude.

Play radiantly….the rest of the world will wait.

Make the best of this wonderful day that you’ve been given. 


To sum it all up, this feels hard in many ways. Luckily, we know that the hard stuff clears the way for the good stuff to find footing. For now, I am sending love and light to all of you, as we each tune in to our individual microcosms of this macrocosm. When things don’t work out; see every obstacle as a new opportunity. You are enough. You have enough, and everything that you need to get through this wave of uncertainty is already yours. We may be separate, but we’re still always together. Sharing in the unexpected creates space for us to grow extraordinary new things together. May you sit in the peaceful stillness of home and imagine the groundbreaking innovations we will construct anew. Know without a doubt, that this too shall pass. 



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