Spiritual Culture

Within Yogic communities, it is common to encounter people with a variety of spiritual beliefs existing in an open, loving culture. On your journey, you will encounter deities, philosophies, and practices of all types. Hindu, Buddhist, Tao, Native American, Christian, and so, so much more. Overall, the idea is that the stigmas of the world are unimportant on the mat. Love reigns supreme There’s a common misconception that all yogis ascribe to a particular religious orientation, but that simply isn’t true. Yoga is about honoring your truth. So bring whatever beliefs you have, or don’t have, and meet yourself on the mat for beautiful things to happen.

Yoga Speaks to Spirit

Unsurprisingly, religion and spirituality remain touchy subjects for the world at large. Despite that, in yoga, the means to develop in whichever ways you choose are available. The most important thing is to explore the truth and connection with your personal beliefs. Resonating beliefs may be similar or dissimilar among group participants, but at the end of the day, it’s not a problem. It is what it is, and everyone is working on their individual development. 

Travel in the Sacred Light

Whatever it’s source or context may be. Find the wisdom that resonates with your spirit and move forward with that. Not one of us will leave this life knowing the infallible truth about everything. Marinate in the knowledge available to you, through you, and live your best life based off of that. Regardless that “we only know what we know”, through connection and study can we grow. 

Soak in the Practice of Love

Discernment doesn’t have to be judgmental. Differences aren’t worth polarizing with hate. All we need to do is know our own truths, and lead by example from that. Let your attachment to cultural divisions subside as you reach instead for the peace in universal connectedness. We all have our own narratives, dreams, and ways of seeing things. Therefore, if we want to live in harmony, we serve ourselves best through acceptance and non-attachment. Every human that you see is a work in progress. Embrace love. Consider the following quote from John Keats:

“I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion –

I have shuddered at it.

I shudder no more –

I could be martyred for my religion – 

Love is my religion – 

I could die for that.” 

When I reflect on this, I realize that love and connection bring more peace to humanity than any variety of systems or labels that we could ever create.

Find the Levity

Even Grammarly says, “To err is human; to edit, divine.” No matter where you are or what you’re doing, there’s always something to smile about. Presently, happiness is a state of mind, and perspective drives your capacity to harness it. The ability to experience joy is yours in every moment. Spiritual culture is cultivated for expansion with love. As you write your life’s story, forget not that you are human. Most importantly, don’t hesitate to edit and course correct. When you know, in the core of your being, that specific changes are needed, connect to your divine potential and welcome the winds of change. 

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