Teaching Yoga: In Three Images

Teaching yoga is an art form, and that art takes many different shapes depending on the set, setting, and tone of your practice. Don’t get frustrated with your teaching journey if everyone else sort of perceives you as a super chill, rainbows and unicorns kind of person on the daily. If you’re a teacher, you know what I’m talking about. Just walk your walk. Remember; we meet people where they’re at. In my experience, these 3 images help sum it up in a way that’s a little easier for other people to understand.

What It’s Like To Be A Yoga Teacher

*Disclaimer* These fabulous images are not my own, I discovered them while pilfering through the vast Internet space of things. The language isn’t offensive because honestly, that’s what every non-yogi in your life hears most of the time. Speak your language, and theirs. Know the difference.

Find what speaks to you and use it to inspire your calm.

On The Daily


Balancing Internal and External Stimuli


Take stock, and then set out with a fresh perspective. It’s okay that most people will misunderstand the plight and where you’re really trying to go with it. Integration takes time. Communication takes finesse, and balance…well, we catch glimpses. Just for today, recognize ‘what is’ and roll with it. If these 3 images helped you understand the teaching yoga journey a little better, check out our other Yoga Teacher Resources.



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