The Ultimate Booklist

Here it is, my ultimate booklist for reads that support fundamental shifts and growth. I’m a reader. Since you’re here, I hope that means that you are too! The more that we read and explore the world, through both facts and fiction, the more literate we become, in a whole lot more than the act of reading itself. Our heartfelt journeys toward deeper emotional intelligence, natural living, and healing are just a few of the life adventures that benefit from our reading habits. In the list below, you’ll find the books that I most want to share with you, because in some way each book nourished, spoke to, and built a piece of me in a fundamental way. See what calls to you. Cozy up and explore your latest read.


This is a living list. I read A LOT. And as my favorite pastime, I realized while compiling this list that I needed to structure it in an accessible way for you. So, I have broken this list up in a way that I hope you find most user-friendly. This list is updated on a monthly basis. I do so hope that you will find something that speaks to you and please, come back and share your feedback and takeaways with us here in the comments sections.

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The Ultimate Booklist for Your Life’s Journey

Each topic is provided with a link to take you to that specific list, and perhaps, subsections within that topic that you can explore as well. While I believe that most of these books possess incredible crossover value, I’ve tried to categorize them as simply as possible. Remember, there is no greater expert or advocate for your journey than you.  As an added convenience, I have added links to where each book can be found, where possible. With that, I send you with love to click where you most want to begin:

In Bit-sized Pieces:

13 Spiritual Reads


Beginner Yoga Reading List


101 Recommended Reads


Free on Kindle Unlimited

Advocate for Reading!

Social Climate Facts: Our attention spans are shrinking. We want quick, concise, digestible information. And, that’s okay. There is a time and place for that. However, sometimes it’s the greatest stories or biggest personal journeys that require that we lean in, and give more time and attention to really absorb something down into ourselves on a soulful level. Understand, that while a lot of people do still read books, many don’t. Low literacy skills affect over 43 million adults in the United States alone. In an age where we have such abundant access to content and resources, maybe all it takes to amp up enthusiasm for reading is to get out there and share what you’re reading with everyone around you! Together we grow and inspire change.

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