What Is Moonwork?

Moonwork, in any form, is simply a set of practices designed to correspond with the cyclical phases of the moon. I know that many people clam up when this word is used, but there really is no need to be put off by it.  It’s a Nature thing. Like most cosmic elements, the moon holds both direct and symbolic, physical, psychological and emotional significance with everything around it. I work closely with lunar phases in both my yoga and Divine Feminine practices. “La Luna” is a rich and abundant point of meditation and reflection for almost all self-growth, self-care, and self-exploration journeys. No witchcraft or potions required…unless you’re into that sort of thing, in which case, you do you.

Cyclical Moonwork

Typically looks like this:

Different traditions use different tools and practices to meet each moon cycle with reverence, but a majority of them use some variation of the following cycle markers.

New Moon

In yoga and meditation, this is a time of deep connection with self. From this space, we set intentions for the month ahead, “planting seeds” for what we want to focus on, manifest, and seek to change in ourselves and in our surrounding environments. In the context of The Divine Feminine, this is the moon of the Maiden archetype; the fresh, idealistic portion of ourselves that dreams. lives, and pursued passions and experiences in an untarnished and unrestricted way.





First Quarter Moon

In this space, we adhere to the daily practices that allow us to act on our intentions, and to hopefully, migrate them towards manifestation. This is part of an energetic ramping up to some new level of completion. In this phase, we are diligently working with our energies and tools in a mindful and focused manner. This is the moon of The Mother archetype; the part of our psyche that tends to all growing things by nurturing and nourishing them into more mature states of being. With warrior-like focus, the Mother tends to her creations with great care and tenacity.





Full Moon

The Full Moon is a time to take stock in the efforts we’ve intentionally put out and to acknowledge growth that has occurred. After all, progress is progress, no matter how large or small. We also take time during this phase to acknowledge and release anything that is no longer serving us. As the moon characterized by The Queen archetype, we step fully into our power and wield it wisely in every area that we have dominion over. The full moon is a beacon of strength, growing wisdom, and personal empowerment. Here, we fully accept all responsibility for our lives and meet those responsibilities accordingly.





Third Quarter Moon


The 3rd Quarter Moon signifies both a renewed perspective and an energetic ramping back down. We are taking stock in the lessons we’ve learned, observing the trajectory we’re currently on. Mindfully, we take this opportunity to make changes and adjustments on the mind-body-spirit levels as required. The Crone archetype steps forward during this moon as an embodied reminder of the clarity gained through matured wisdom. During this phase, we take stock in all that has taken place and see our visions with a renewed perspective. The Crone has grown into a master of her wisdom; collecting not only the insight of the maiden, mother, and queen, but cultivating her access to the timeless wisdom of the ages as well. Here, we realize the importance of taking our time, seeing things from many angles and caring for ourselves in all the ways in which we retain the sustainability to thrive.




And That’s It In A Nutshell

Moonwork is a fluid and exciting way to care for all levels and aspects of your health. Each moon phase is an indicator point during which we notice, nurture and nourish various levels of mind-body and spirit energies. This process allows us to remain more aware and mindful of how all the layers of our lives come together and affect us in every way. The more in tune we are with these subtle processes, the easier it becomes to walk in line with our values and manifest accordingly. If you’re interested in more moonwork ideas and inspirations, check this out. Happy experimenting!

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