5 Yoga Website Fundamentals

Once you decide to have an online presence, get started in the best way possible with these yoga website fundamentals. No doubt, you will find yourself learning and exploring many different aspects as you sink in and start running a profitable yoga business. Building and maintaining a website is one of those things. There will be learning curves, but that’s part of the process.  First, it’s important to understand that websites no longer function as just a spot to add blurbs about products. They’ve become more than a real estate space for your articles and inner musings.  The new era of web presence requires that sites provide for their visitors.  In order to make your site work for you, remember that every visitor is a potential client.  Below are five things your website needs so you can go from informing visitors to attend to your visitors’ needs. Not everyone is simply looking for a class to take. So, what do your clients need? How are you going to give that to them?

5 Things For Your Effective Website

In teaching yoga, we’re accustomed to delivering great, quality classes of all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, when it comes down to turning those activities and information into a quality online resource, and maybe even a commodity, there’s some resistance. I totally get it. We do what we love; love what we do, and we KNOW that it works. I’ve rarely met one single yoga teacher, life coach, or therapist who didn’t feel the same. We’re healers, and we have a message that we’ve been called to share. We’d give it all away for free every single day if we could make that work…and in a lot of ways, we already do. Now that we’re really gearing into balancing each layer of our life, we know that our yoga business is separate, yet synergetic, with the other layers. This is a lesson in the business aspect of running an effective yoga website.

  1. Get That Email Address

    • Without the visitors’ email address, you essentially have no way of initiating further contact.  Do whatever it takes to get each and every visitor to provide their e-mail.
    • Try:  Freebies. Free is an awesome incentive.  Try providing a free book, subscription, or mini-product.  You are much more likely to get contact information from your visitors if they feel like they are getting something in exchange right away.
  2. Optimize Usability

    • The more convenient it is for your clients to sign up for your product, the more likely they are to actually hire you.

    • Try:  Calendar inputs.

      • If you let your potential clients have a sense of control over when they can receive your product, they are more likely to use your services.  By letting your visitors book themselves in your calendar, you have eliminated unnecessary back and forth communication and given your visitors more control over their experience.
  3. Show Your Skills

    • The goal is to demonstrate that you have what your visitors want.  Illustrate to them that you have both the expertise and the knowledge to help them.
      • Try: E-books or Top 10 lists. 
        • You want to grab your visitors’ attention in a way that proves to them you are a fantastic resource.  You can do this by giving them a glimpse of how much you have to offer.
  4. Convenience of Product

    • The more accessible your product is, the more likely your visitors are to buy. 
      •  Try:  Shopping cart for your service.  Even if your product is not tangible (for example, coaching sessions), having a “shopping cart” where visitors can hire you on the spot can make the whole experience more pleasant and profitable.
  5. FAQs

    • Everyone has questions.  Take advantage of your control over the site by answering some of the most popular questions that might arise from your potential clients. Yoga website fundamentals works whether you’re a studio, private teacher, or another type of yoga business.
      • Try:  FAQ page or Q&A section on your home page.
        • Again, you want to demonstrate your competence and your attentiveness to the client.
        • By creating a basic FAQ page, you illustrate that you have the ability to empathize with your visitors, those people who need your service.

Manifest Intentional Outcomes

That’s it. It is my deepest intention to share this information with you so that you can make the impact that you are yearning for in your yoga business. It’s easy to get frustrated with the mechanics of some of these things, but I assure you, that you are capable of all this and more. If you don’t have a website yet, make this information known on your Facebook business page. As a bonus, these strategies widen your reach. Reaching more people allows you to share your healing wisdom and energy on a whole new level. In time, using these yoga website fundamentals will help you spread your messages far and wide while earning a liveable income at the same time. Share that light Beautiful. You’re making a difference. 

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