Ethics guide the path of every yogi. It is a journey of principled movement. A lifestyle of truth. Without ethics, there is no path, no action, and no adventure. In the search for wholeness, we spring from a foundation. Ten core principles steer the yogic way of life. Undoubtedly, it is a sacred code of conduct. A template for authentic living. In spite of all other available practices, integrity is fundamental. Here is the ethical body of yoga. Take a breath, and see what resonates.
The Yamas and Niyamas
First, ethics are the initial Tool of Yoga. Differing from the other limbs of yoga, virtue is primary. These are the concepts that give form to all other lessons. They are beautifully simple and easily understood. Within them, 10 basic “jewels” of wisdom are shared. Take time to get to know them. Ask yourself if you are willing to adhere to this? The Yamas are the self-restraints. The Niyamas are the daily observances. Together, they guide all yogic experiences. Through them, life is met with clarity. All yogic exploration, growth, and personal development begin with this. Furthermore, yogic ethics are centered around living your principles.
Indeed, every virtue calls for introspection. “Are you living by your own ethical standards?” “Are you sharing your true understanding with others?” It’s one thing to have principles, it’s another thing to live them fully. The Yamas are the restraints through which life is met daily. These are guiding principles concerned with how you interact with the world.
- Ahimsa– Nonviolence
- Satya – Truthfulness
- Asteya– Nonstealing
- Brahmacharya– Nonexcess
- Aparigraha– Nonpossessiveness
Clearly, one needs ways to exemplify their inner-code. Subsequently, the Niyamas provide precisely that. “I’m I applying external ethics inward?” “Am I living in a way true to my principles?” The Niyamas are internal gages of how you are interacting with yourself. In essence, they are the actions to applying your ethics in your life.
- Saucha – Purity
- Santosha– Contentment
- Tapas– Self-discipline
- Svadhyaya– Self-Study
- Ishvara Pranidhana– Surrender
The Yogic Path of Application
Without a doubt, every value system comes with personal responsibility. Though simplistic, these 10 tenets of self-restraints and observances assist students in meeting life wherever they’re at. Beyond the confines of a class, these are the defining characteristics of a yogi’s ethical orientation. In short, they serve as a map to everyday situations and predicaments that may arise. Overall, they are the lifestyle tenets that a yogi ascribes to. Reflect fondly in witness of yourself. Perhaps not a fit for everyone, but are they fit for you? For today, consider the tools that resonate with you.