You Are Allowed

You are allowed to walk every path that calls to you. Each of us has permission to be received, replaced, accepted or rejected; by ourselves or others, as we see fit. What we choose to allow is what paints the landscapes within and around us. In the journey of life, I think that we deserve to be as we are, right now, and to be perfectly okay with it. Entirely whole and fully ‘acceptable’, no matter how much we may feel lacking or less than in fleeting moments.  In every state of joy or depression, activity or inactivity; we’re pretty freakin’ spectacular. Whether you’re chasing your dreams, livin’ life like Groundhog Day, or just trying to skate by, rolling with the punches…remind yourself,  “I’m allowed” and meet each moment like that, because YOU ARE! Today, see if you can embody your authority.

You Are Allowed

Even when we’re trying not to, we take on the expectations, judgmental opinions, and lifestyle choices superimposed by others. We forget that we can reject this.  Instead, we subtly collect them in our psyches and quietly begin to impose all those rules and restrictions onto ourselves. It’s not kind or logical and it certainly isn’t okay. It feels yucky, and we lose sight of the truth that we have a choice to let it all go. When this happens, we need to reset our thermometer for being. Even when we know that doing things for ourselves isn’t against anyone else, it’s easy to get back in our own way of actually doing that. The remedy is simple. First,  allow yourself to be as you are. Next, say no to providing clarifiers and justifications. Third, give yourself permission to let it all go, to make space.


Give Yourself Permission

To choose something different.

Become something different, or

Stay exactly as you are.

To be messy. 

Be weird, off-beat, and strange.

Exist as wild and free as you choose.

Choose to not struggle with weight. 

To not be perfect by any standard.

Accept no external standards.

To create your own.


Cycling through countless build-ups and breakdowns,

Permission to respond to things you don’t like with clarity and boundaries.

To love people and still not want to be around them.

NOT rushing through everyday life.


Get Into Alignment


In alignment with who I am, I can accept and love her fully.

I give her all the permission that she needs to just be.

Allowed to interact with self daily,

with just as much compassion extended to everyone else. 

It is allowed.


To not have answers.

Saying no when needed.

Staying home or going out as compelled.


I am, do, have, and notice enough.

And that’s enough.

Let it be so. 

Allowed to text back later, or not at all.

To not check or post on social media.

To disagree.



Allowed to not watch the news,

sports, or everyone else’s favorite new show.

Allowed to take care of me. 

Notice me.

Enjoy being me. 


It’s allowed.

To reinvent self every time the inclination arises. 

Letting go of the past.

Releasing stressful relationships.

Wearing, saying, and doing what feels right.

Being comfortable.

To learn as I go.

It’s all allowed.


Sit In Being

Have a plan, or not.

Be sure or totally uncertain.

Realize that control is an illusion,

Accept that ‘control’ isn’t required to be okay.

You are allowed to go with the flow,

to allow yourself to love the freedom of allowing.


It’s okay. 

“It’s allowed!” and gratitude for allowing it. 

Let it Go

Know this, when we take time to let go of all the “should” & “could” in this life, we find space to breathe. To be. Here, we step back into the space of honest existence. We embody self-compassion without pretense. Afterward, we begin to live in the honest confines of our deepest callings. Within that space, glorious opportunities blossom. Above all, we are all allowed to be exactly as we are, without the weight of opinions, excuses, and justifications weighing us down. Whenever you’re stuck, stumped, or in doubt, remember, “I am allowed” and change up your perspective. This is how you prime your personal evolution. From now on, Get out of your own way. Let go. Allow yourself to beAs a result, you relieve yourself of the baggage that does not belong to you and become free.

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