Yoga: A Path to Healing for Every ‘Body’ both on and off of the mat. Welcome to my research space. A place where each step on your yoga mat brings you closer to healing, peace, and self-discovery. And, each step off your mat brings your intentions into full circle alignment.Continue Reading

Here’s what I know about Hips, Hiking, and Long Car Rides while also keeping your joints in sustainable shape. Our yogic journey often intersects with the delights of the great outdoors and the necessity of travel. Whether you’re venturing into the mountains for a serene hike or embarking on aContinue Reading

Why Your Brain Resists Exercise and Why Walking is the Answer. We’ve all experienced it – that internal tug-of-war between wanting to stay active and just wanting to lounge on the couch. But have you ever wondered why your brain often rebels against the idea of exercise? Interestingly, understanding thisContinue Reading

Starting a Monthly YogaStride Walking Group in Navarre, FL: A Journey Toward Community Wellness. We’re known for our stunning beaches and friendly community. So, the idea of starting a monthly YogaStride walking group came to me during one of my peaceful morning walks along the Navarre Beach walking path. AsContinue Reading

Detoxify with yoga practice this spring as you open yourself up to the season of renewal.  In case you didn’t already know, yoga is a powerful tool for detoxification. Use these practices in promoting a fresh start, both physically and mentally. It helps stimulate the digestive system, improve circulation, andContinue Reading