Yin yoga is about stillness, openness, and receptivity. Every practice is a combination and variation of 20 specific yin yoga poses. As an asana practice, yin is a slow-moving class where a specific set of poses are held for a longer period of time (usually 3-5 minutes), to allow theContinue Reading

There are a bunch of strategies for living with SAD. In my experience, the first thing that you need to know about coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder is that you are not alone. If you’re not sure what this condition is, check out my 10 Facts About SAD here. TheContinue Reading

Are you, or someone that you love, living with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Are you sure? Plenty of people experience a hint of the winter blues as harsh weather keeps us shut up indoors, but seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a more serious form of depression. Fortunately, there are effective formsContinue Reading