Make a demonstration so clear that there is no room for miscommunication. Today, it’s time. Are you in alignment enough to walk all that lovely talk and put energy into the desires that call out for co-creation so they can manifest?Continue Reading

It’s a given that not much turns out exactly the way that we plan or hope, but we serve ourselves best when we navigate with grace. During this playful month of October, we remember to take it easy, laugh with relaxed attachment, and reflect with fondness on how a bigContinue Reading

The #1 reason to create your own philosophy and live it is that living anything else is strangely dissatisfying.  Maybe you’ve been living the American dream or traveling the path that your parents, spouse, or social circle deem ‘appropriate’. If you’re walking through your journey every day with a feelingContinue Reading

Knowing your yoga style can help get you to the right class at the right time. Yoga practices come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, just like yoga students do. When we talk about your ‘yoga style’ we don’t mean your penchant for a particular type of mat or meditationContinue Reading

Loving yourself ‘warts and all’ is critical to radical self-acceptance. Usually, the biggest thing standing between us and this seemingly mystical state of being is judgment. Yucky, I know. The thing is, in order to create space for radical self-acceptance, we first need to dismantle our judgmental conditioning. Next, weContinue Reading