Spirituality is an important aspect of my life, and my yoga practice plays a significant role in helping me to maintain a strong foundation in this area. Creating a spiritual life and foundation can be a deeply personal and individual journey. Yoga is not just a physical practice; it isContinue Reading

The law of attraction has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, there is still much confusion about how it works and how to apply it to one’s life. The concept of manifesting one’s desires through the power of thought and intention, has been recognized in various forms. In fact,Continue Reading

Spiritual responsibility IRL and in yoga refers to taking ownership of your spiritual journey. In this, we are recognizing that we are responsible for our own growth and development. It involves understanding that our spiritual practice is not just about the physical postures or breathwork. The responsibility also lies inContinue Reading

“Ego run riot” is an unpleasant way of being. In our daily lives, we all experience moments when we feel like the world revolves around us. We become consumed by our own desires, goals, and accomplishments, and everything else fades into the background. This is what psychologists refer to as “egoContinue Reading